Chapter 1

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I sat down on my bed and looked around my room. My walls were completely white and were covered in posters, pictures, drawings and memories. I like those drawings that I drew and the ones other people drew for me. Some of those photos on the wall were happy. Some were...horrific. Some of which I'd like to forget. Some of which I'd wish never happened. I sigh and I continue to look around the space of what I call a giant living box. Silly, I know right? My desk was on the wall where my closet and bedroom door stood. I hear a slight buzz, so I turn over to see what it was. It was my phone. I cautiously reach over it half expecting it to buz, half expecting to ring. But it doesn't. I sigh of relief and I then turn it on to look at it. Geeze. So many notifications. I didn't know I was popular. I think sarcastically. I scoff and I unlock my phone to check the notifications.

I check to see many text messages. I go through them all. I sigh then I answer them all and I look at the apps with the other notifications. I check through my facebook and see many notifications. Ugh. Why is anybody worried about me anyway? I'm nothing... I realized I think too many negative things about myself. I should stop probably stop thinking this. I get up and I walk downstairs to see my mother sitting on the couch on her computer, working, as always. My dad was on his phone looking up some weird videos. My siblings were outside with their friends, playing and running. I don't leave my house anymore. I can't leave because of them. They are the reason I don't leave. I don't want them near me.

It all started last year. I was friends with a girl. She always punched me and I always came home with bruises on my arms. I had to stop being friends with her because of it. She started to say lies about me to her parents and her parents hated me. Some people had just moved in across from me. During the first week of my eighth-grade year, my parents got texts saying I vandalized their car and almost got me arrested. I had started talking to one of the daughters of the new neighbors and I found out she was the one who vandalized their car. Some drama happened between me and this girl and we separated. Freshman year sucked. People kept picking on me and throwing things at me. I got really sad and at the time I questioned my purpose in life.

I moved after all the chaos. I went to a new school, a new place, and a fresh new start. I was scared at first, but then I felt better later on. I made new friends and I was happy. I finally was happy for the first time in 8 years. Life went great for a bit. At 18, I decided to move out. I found a job and worked at home. I drew things for people and sold them. I made about $130 a week. I was a little happy during those times. I was homeless for a couple of months until I found a new place to live in. The home wasn't too big or too small. It was a perfect size for one person.

I walk to the kitchen to get some food. I make a PB&J sandwich and I walk to the table, already eating a bite out of it. Mmmm~ Tastes good. I sit down and I scroll through my phone while eating my sandwich. There are many interesting things on Instagram. I wonder what it would be like to travel and take magnificent photos. I love taking photos. I love editing them and enhancing them. It brings me joy. I just wish I had the courage to go outside and take them. But I'm too afraid to. Maybe I should go outside for a walk. Just don't think about it. You will be fine. Stop beating yourself up. Sometimes I think way too much. I'll just go for a walk. But I'm needing to bring my trusty knife and my phone just in case I get attacked. 

I put on my jeans, my MCR shirt, and my P!ATD sweatshirt. I pull my hair back into a ponytail and I then put on my converse. I love my converse. They are very comfy. I grab a small drawstring backpack and put some of my drawing things in there. I walk out of my room and downstairs to get to the front door. I pet my cat before I leave the house.

I lock my door then I start walking towards a park.

I look around and I feel the wind swirl around me and blow my hair a little. I like how it feels on my face. I continue to stroll down the street slowly and cautiously. It's just me and the street now. Nothing else besides parked cars and houses. I walk to the elementary that is close and I go past it to go to the bigger park. The trees there are beautiful and so graceful. I continue to walk to that park and I look around, seeing many ducks and geese. I smile just very slightly and I walk over to the swings. I sit and I swing just a little, getting things off my mind. I stop the swing and I grab my sketch book. I start drawing in it.

Somebody walks up to me and I didn't notice until I felt their presence. I look up to a tall male standing in front of me. "You okay?" He asks me. "Yes...? Why?" I reply, confused. "You just looked really lonely and sad. That's all." He says kindly. I look down a little. "Thanks..." I reply. "No problem. Do you mind if I sit here?" he asks, pointing to the swing next to me. "Yeah, sure." I say, kind of not making eye contact. He exhales deeply as if something is bothering him. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "Yeah. Sorta..." he replies with a sad tone. "What's bothering you?" I ask, being cautious of trying not to ask too many questions. "It's not important..." he replies. "Hey, anything is important, what are you talking about?" I say to him, firmly and reassuringly. He looks at me with a sadden look. "Trust me...It's not important." He says. I stand up and give him a look. "Nothing is unimportant! Everything is important!" I say. He looks a bit frightened by me. I sense it. "I-I'm sorry, I was just trying to prove my point..." I say and I back up a bit. He concerningly looks at me. "It's fine, I needed it. You're right." He says. "It's just my family had kicked me out for being Bisexual." he says. I look at him in shock. "I'm so sorry. I don't know how you feel, but I can say that I know it may be hard to be Bisexual or any part of the LGBTQ+ community because most people don't accept it and that's okay. But it is not okay for you to be thrown out because of it." I say, trying to say something brave. "Hey, what's your name?" he asks. "River Woods." I reply. "What's yours?" "Jack." he says. "Where are you staying at the moment, Jack?" I ask him with concern in my tone. "I'm living under the bridge near the neighborhood pool." he replies quickly.

I sigh. "Maybe you could stay at my place for a bit?" "I-I don't want to bother you... I'm a mess..." he says and looks down quickly. "I'm sure you'll be fine. I have cats and they're a mess." I say. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Yeah." I grab my bag and I start to walk. "Follow me." I say. We start walking towards my house. "How far is your house?" he asks me. "Not far." I say as we walk past the bridge he was talking about. "Do you have anything you need to grab?" I ask him. He shakes his head and follows me. I unlock my door and we are greeted by a beautiful fluffy black Maine coon. "Hey Milo! You missed me, huh?" I say as I bend down to pet him. I look at Jack. "You want to pet him?" His eyes glow with happiness and he pets him. I walk toward the kitchen and I grab some water. I walk back to Jack an I hand him the water. "Thanks." I smile.

I put my backpack in my bedroom. "There is a spare bedroom across from mine," I say to him. He nods and looks inside of the room. "Do you have any clothes I can use?" I nod. "You can use some of my boyfriend's clothes," I reply. "Will he be okay with it?" he asks. "I'm sure he will," I say. "He'll be back home in like five minutes so you might want to wash up," I tell him, pointing to the bathroom. He nods as I hand him a towel and extra clothes. After he gets into the bathroom, I hear the front door unlock. My boyfriend walks in. "Hey, Crimson," I say to him. "Hey, babe." He replies, dryly. "What's wrong?" I ask him as I walk towards him. He looks at me and hugs me tightly. "It's just my work. It's just horrible."

I kiss his cheek and I pull him to the living room. I tell him to sit and he does, then I go into the kitchen. I make a sandwich and a smoothie, then I walk over to Crimson and hand it to him. "Thank you." He says. I nod and I sit next to him as he wraps an arm over me. I smile and I lay my head on his chest. He eats the sandwich and drinks the smoothie as he strokes my hair softly. Jack comes out of the shower and looks at Crimson. Crimson pushes me off of him. "Who's he?" He asks me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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