A Dinner With Framily- Chapter Six

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Drum roll please :D..... I finally got around to creating the Dinner With Framily Trailer yay!! I attached it to my media if you guys want to check it out :)

May was right.

Doctor Connors's face was on television, or at least, his under-evolved face.

"Doctor Connors was reported missing from Ravencroft at around nine this morning. Authorities say that they are doing everything they can to find this criminal. Doctor Connors, aka the Lizard, was instituted in Ravencroft last year, when he was in an altercation with vigilante Spider-Man."

Peter grimaced, sharing a non-friendly look with Wade. "Aunt May, would you excuse us for a moment? I left some stuff back at the apartment."

Aunt May nodded. "Of course, Peter. Take as long as you want." But, to Wade her tone sounded like 'please-take-as-long-as-you-want.'

Peter gave May a kiss on the cheek, and sparing a nod towards MJ and Harry. "See you guys in a bit."

Harry looked up from MJ, digging in his pockets and tossing a set of keys at him. "Don't scratch her."

Peter didn't flinch when he caught the keys, thanking Harry before going out the door, Wade in tow.

Wade followed silently, until they reached the blue Mercedes that Harry drove them all in. He turned, holding his hand out towards Peter, who eyed it with offense. "What?"

Wade tilted his head forward. "Give me the keys." Peter abruptly shook his head, rolling his eyes in the process and unlocking the drivers door. "I don't have time for this, Wade."

Wade wasn't going to back down.

"Oh no. You drive like your in a drag race on stilts-"

"And you drive like your grandmother's grandmother," Peter shot back, opening the door.

Wade furrowed his eyebrows. "Cars weren't even invented in my grandmother's grandmother's time. Gah, Pete, I'll sit on you if you don't go to the passenger seat."

Peter made a sound between a growl and a grumble, before he obliged and crawled over to the passenger seat. "Connors is out of Ravencroft and your complaining about who gets to drive."

Wade sent a glare at Peter, cranking up the vehicle's engine. "Maybe because I want us to get there in one piece, and I would appreciate it if I don't have to regenerate my heart before it even goes into combat."

Peter sent him a glare, but stayed silent the rest of the ride.

It took them five minutes to get there, mainly because Wade was skipping every red light known to man to get them there.

Wade parked Harry's car closest to the entrance of their building, turning in his seat to face Peter and once again holding out his hand.

"Remember what I told you. Close your eyes and count to three."

Peter glared at him, putting his hand in Wade's. "I know how to teleport, Wade."

But Peter's stomach still tied in knots whenever he gets back to land.

Wade exhaled, lightly grasping Peter's hand in his own. "One."

Peter's body vibrated like a maraca. His teeth clattered together, and his skin crawled.

"Two." Wade's voice was muffled, distant, like he was talking under water.

"Three." Suddenly, they were in the apartment, and Peter had to deliberately stop himself from dry heaving.

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