Chapter one

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  • Dedicated to All my followers!

Hey so I couldn't link this video for some reason so If you want to see it, loo this up on youtube. I didn't make it.

Future City [ LIMA 2114 ] Inspirations Area (HD720p) by NGHIA NGUYEN. So look him up and find that vid. It's almost looks like what I would have pictured it as. The flying cars, the space ship as the police I guess, and the highway bars she jumped from. Enjoy!! So please look at that video of you want to see where I got inspired to do this. Thank you!! Vote and comment!!

"We raise armies to end this war, mean while you raise armies to start another"

I ran as fast as I could. Police cars chased me, firing guns everywhere. The flyng cars got faster and faster as I increased speed as well. I jumped onto the high way route 77 and climbed up to the top cover. A bundle of bars over the street like the golden state bridge that was torn down as an act of government power along with the Eiffel Tower, and the statue of liberties. The bars were thin and it was raining hard. If I slipped I would fall 30ft. Ok, here's the plan. Don't fall. I ran on the thin bars, jumping from each end to end. The cars flew up higher and the sirens roared louder.

" freeze in the name of police. Freeze with you hands up, or else" I herd them say

" you really think I'm that stupid?" I said jumping onto another bar and increasing speed " why don't you just turn around before you fail the mission"

The sirens and there speed increased to 40mph. I was running so fast my lungs burned. Then I stopped instantly who thought slowing down. I almost fell face first, but caught myself with my hands. They kept going and couldn't slow down. Then they crashed I to a wall. I stayed down panting. One knee kneeling the other bending with my foot on the ground. My hands straight out flat on the ground. I looked down at the wet, thin bar. My black hair side bangs fell. My hair was up in a messy bu. with two long bangs on each side of my head. I panted so hard. I'd never ran that far in my life. I looked up leaving my body in its position as the police cars blew up with a huge explosion. I fell on my back and fell off the bar. I grabbed it with one hand, then two. I pulled myself up. Trying to cover my face. The expulsion was small and far out, but the heat was in the wind. After it was over I sat on the bar. Y breathing had slowed finally. I looked down at my boots. They were all torn up on the ends. I was bearing black boots with black, lace legging, and a pair of denim shorts, along with a black, tight, long sleeve shirt and a half denim jacket. My messy black hair in a bun. Ok, I'm rested enough. I need to get home, it's still raining and it's like midnight. I stood up a climbed back down to the side of highway. I jumped off onto the sidewalk. Bout' an hour later I was home. Nothing but an old, run down garage. I opened up a lock and typed in a four number code. The door opened and I walked in. I found the wall and flipped the a witch turning on four bright white lights. I walked in as the big garage door closed up. The garage was just one big room. It had a smaller room in the corner wich was a bathroom, but that's it. It had three different counter tops in the corner opposite of the bathroom. Next to the door, under the light switch, was a small bed with a metal bad frame. In the very center of my room was my workshop. It was four small tables and two, very, very, very large metal bookshelves. The shelves were packed with nothing but metal parts, and bits and pieces to broken machinary I'd found. The tables were full of parts that I'd shaped, smelted, and put together. I make things and trade them for food, water, and sometimes money. Only high class people, in other words, the rich, really use money, us peasants who live in small, normal houses or garages, trade for food and water, and extra trade is used for money. Oh ya, and by the way, I was being chased by the police because they were patrolling the market today, and all peasants hate police. They do anything to keep order. Well, I kind really really hate them. I kinds stole one of the guys guns. I walked up behind him and stood to his left. I tapped him on the right. He turned around as I took his gun out and pit it in my back pocket and covered it with my shirt. He didn't notice at first until he scratched his back and found it wasn't there. I guess he could see some of it in my pocket and caught me. Eh, it was worth it. I took the gun out and set it on the shelf system. I went to the counter tops and opened cupboard. I took out some bread and made a marmite sandwich. I took out a 7-up and drank up. After that, I turned off all but the one light in the middle,of the room, so I could see if I got up, then I took of my boots and jacket and dumped them on the floor. Then I plopped my self on the bed and pulled the covers on me. Then, I fell asleep. In the morning I put my boots and jacket back on and grabbed my satchel that was full of goods that had no use to me. I walked out and locked up my house. I walked along, under the highway. I looked up and saw some people in the distance.

Oooooooo, who are the people? Hehe. Comment and vote please. ^~^. By the way, I came with this idea about four years ago when I was just about 9 years old, so,I never thought It could be a good story, but I had an idea for it! Yay! Thx so much for reading!! Also I need a name for her.

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