|One - He Seems Cool|

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"Tyler Joseph?"


"Right then that's everyone, welcome to AP english 12! I am your teacher Mr. Lester, and we're gonna have a great time! Let's start off wi-"

The tall oak door creaked open and a boy stepped in, Tyler looked in the direction as the whispers of the others in the class began to rise. After all, who late on the first day?

"Uh I'm- Josh, is this AP English?" He asked with a bit of a smirk that made Tyler instantly blush. What in the world?

Tyler, he's a dude... must be a coincidence...

Josh was wearing an over-sized grey hoodie with jeans the same pale color, along some red converse bright as the sunsets that Tyler only wished he could describe in his writings. This interested Tyler, the most popular fashion of the school was plain jeans and sweatshirt, dirty boots or black tennis shoes. He didn't even know the popular shoe company sold shoes that color. 

While analyzing the boy discreetly, Tyler's heart skipped a beat, and he put down his head in order to slow the feeling. What the heck was that?

Mr. Lester adjusted his glasses and looked down at his roster. Tyler flickered his eyes back and forth between the two people. There was something odd about this boy Already, Tyler was very observant in most scenarios.

"Well josh I see you were put in here since the other class was full..."

Tyler nervously fidgeted his hands under the desk, Mr.Lester often picked him to help new students; much to Tyler's dismay.

"Well in that case...Tyler!" Beamed Mr.Lester

Tyler looked towards the teacher and held his breath waiting for what was expected to come next.

"You're exceptionally good at teaching people the ropes, please make sure josh is confident in his class skills."

"Okay." He exhaled, the rest of the class chatted. Mr. Lester gave a quick nod and called class to order.


After class Josh pushed his chair back smoothly so that he was next to Tyler.

Tyler adjusted his midnight black hat downwards attempting hide the pink tint on his face.

"So, Tyler is it?" Josh asked.

Tyler hesitated as the boy with sparkling eyes and an adorable smirk looked at him.

"Um- we- er- uh- yes." He finally replied. Josh chuckled,

"You know for an English nerd you don't seem to be that good with words."

They both shared nervous laughter.

"So uh, I don't really have time right now because I gotta blast to math, but here's my number because I can already tell you're smart and you're supposed to help me with this tough as frick class. Okay?"

Tyler just gave Josh the same smiling stare as he had the first time he walked in, adding a small "sounds good" and handing over his phone for josh to put in the number.

"Alright then, I'll text you later. Bye Tyler,"

Josh waved and walked out of the classroom, now empty besides an extremely confused Tyler Joseph

'Maybe I just really want to be friends with him, he seems cool...'


That night, Tyler was humming along to a Spotify playlist when he saw a text from no other than Josh.

Josh from English :)

Hey ty, what even are we supposed to do be doing rn because the homework says to do this thing and uh, I've kind of never seen it. I suck at eng.

Tyler (yourself man wth)

Hey josh! I'm sure you don't suck at it! No one reallyyy does. Anyway the assignment is to write a couple pages about your goals for the year, is it format that's confusing you?

Josh from english :)


Tyler (yourself man wth)

Here's a link that helps:


If you need anything else let me know! Always here to help :)

Josh from English :)

Thanks man! Means a lot, by the way my mom got exited when I told her about my day and how an English nerd was gonna help me, so uh if you're free Friday night she wants you to come over for dinner, lol. Do you mind?

Tyler (yourself man wth)

Sure homie, thanks for the invitation... I'll have to check with the parental but I'll let you know by class tomorrow if that's alright?

Josh from English :)

We're homies now? that's a little forward don't you think? ;)

Tyler's heart skipped a beat

Josh from English :)

Just kidding that's gay lol

And suddenly his heart felt heavy 

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