Ch.6 An Unexpected Guest

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In Lotus Chambers on Larunda Relay.

Alex Pov

Lotus: I believe I asked for valkyr not you...

Alex: She's still recovering so I'm going in her place. I say with my hands crossed.

Lotus: the mission is a cover up mission, you must distract the enemies so an operative can recover some caches of materials . Are you sure you can take care of this mission?

I smirked and asked: Remember V?

Lotus face went pale

Lotus: Yes...I do

She said handing me the file with location, enemies all the good stuff.

Alex: Ok I'll be on my way then.

Timeskip to a grineer galeon.

Enemies expected between 4000-6000

Alex pov

I just sneaked my way on the ship and thought of something: "no need to be stealthy"

I then proceeded to activate an alarm, and lotus called me on my intercom:

Lotus: The grineer have cut the life support system they want to choke you out!! I'll send in some life support charges...

Alex:there's no need for them I don't breathe I said smiling.

Then the grineer started to pour out of the doors and hallways.
I grinned ,took out the harvesters and started to slice enemies left and right.

After about 2 hours I got another call from lotus:
Lotus:Alex are you ok ? We didn't hear from you in a while...

Alex:I'm alright but there's a bit to many grineer...

Lotus: what do you mean?

Alex:I mean that there were a maximum of 6000 hostiles..

Lotus: and?

Alex:I already killed about 7000 and my zombies at least twice as much...

Lotus:What that's not possible!!!! There's a cloning center on the galeon we must destroy it, Alex you must destroy the ship reactor .

Alex:ok give me a minute.
I say closing the transmission.

After a while I find the reactor but what I didn't expect was another warframe blocking my way .

After a while I find the reactor but what I didn't expect was another warframe blocking my way

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Mirage: Hmmm... The grineer's got a new toy? She said looking at me.

Alex:grineer? Not quite.

Mirage: then what are you? she said pointing her rapier at me.

Alex: Name's Alex Darkwood working for lotus, how about you?

Mirage: My name is Mirage she says with a bow.

Mirage: and I'm here to take down this ship.

Alex: then we have a common goal, shall we team up?

Mirage: Sure ,but can you keep up with me pretty boy~ she said while tracing her hand on my chest reaching for my crotch.

Alex: Belive me I'll keep up in more ways then one . I said lifting her chin with my hand while my mask was extremely close to her face.

Alex: hehe.. Let's go finish this shit. I said letting her go, she stayed there stunned for a second before  replying:

Mirage: Right..

I nodded and started to tinker with the core, switching some wires taking out some components ,overcharging the reactor , after 5 minutes I finished and told Mirage:

Alex:we should go this thing will blow in 10 minutes.

Mirage:ok there should be an extraction point nearby.

Alex:ok then....Shit!!! I said before a grineer shooted mirage in the heart.

Mirage fell down and  started to cough up blood , I commanded my clones to kill everyone on the ship and started to work on Mirage.

Alex: Ok... Let's see..

Mirage: it's  hopeless.. .., it got me in the heart ...

Alex: You will live, but you will have to become part of my peerage. Do you accept?

Mirage:I.. do..

Alex: Ok then.i said while taking a crystal from my chest and putting it over Mirage's wound .
Green mist started to pour out as the crystal started to enter her wound, in a minute her wound was closed but she passed out.

Alex: i have a slight feeling of deja vu..
  I said lifting Mirage bridal style and teleporting home.

I'm home!!I said opening the door .

The Tale of Alex "The Reaper" DarkwoodWhere stories live. Discover now