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"So you slept with him?"

"Yes..... I realized after it happened that..... that I was in love with him..... and he was right.... I would always choice him." I said sadly.

"What happen after that?" He asked softly.

"I stayed out for the rest of the night and before the sun rose I arrived home to see Claudia and Louis talking. The smell of blood hit me and I realized what had happen."

"What did you two do?" I asked shocked.

"We killed him. Lestat is gone and we can be free!" She exclaimed happily.

"Oh Claudia..... why?" I asked sadly.

"He would always hold us here against our wills! We would never of been able to leave! It was the only way." She said softly.

I walked out of the room quickly and felt a tear stream down my face. I made my way to my room and shook my head. After I laid down in my casket I closed the lid.

"My heart was broken..... and even though I knew she was right..... I still longed to see him again." I said sadly.

Molloy changed the tape and I let out a sigh.

"What happened next?"

"I faked happy..... I knew that at that moment all I should care about was my sister's happiness and so I stopped caring...... but.... he came back and I felt torn."

I heard a piano play as we walked into the house. Claudia hid behind me and Louis as I saw Lestat at the piano.

"Listen, Louis......there's life......in these old hands still. Not quite furioso..Moderato..... cantabile, perhaps." Lestat said softly.

"How could it be?" Louis asked softly.

"Ask the alligator. His blood helped. Then, on a diet of the blood of snakes...toads......and all the putrid life......of the....... Mississippi...... slowly...... Lestat became something......like himself again. You've been......a very...... very......naughty little girl." Lestat said calmly.

He went after us and Louis grabbed a candle and caught him on fire and for a second time he burned.

"They left for Paris after that, but..... but I couldn't go with them.... Claudia begged me to go with her, but I wouldn't." I said softly.

Tears streamed down her face as she hugged me.

"Please come with us!" She begged.

"I can't..... I need to find myself, but I promise you...... we will meet again." I said as I kissed her forehead.

Tears streamed down her face as I let her go and walked away. I looked back at her once more before I left.

"That was the last time I saw her...... Claudia was killed for Lestat's murder..... leaving both me and Louis heart broken..... I would learn about it years later...." I said sadly.

"Louis told me..... what did you do after her death?"

"I moved on with my life..... Louis wanted me to join him, but I couldn't..... not after everything we had been through. Not after losing Lestat and Claudia...... I left to live my life...... and then I married..... I didn't love him and he didn't love me, but he needed a pretty face. We married and he..... he sadly died of an illness." I said with a smile.

"Leaving you rich." He said calmly.

"Yes, but also alone....... until I met Louis again..... and he told me that Lestat was still alive." I said as I took a sip of my tea.

Interview with a Vampire (The Sister)Where stories live. Discover now