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"So he hated you?" Molloy asked softly.

"At first that was what I thought, but after awhile...... I learned that wasn't the reason he treated me so badly."

"What was the reason?" Molly asked softly.

"It wasn't easy being a vampire, especially with Lestat around. When I didn't want to drink he would force me to."

"Drink." Lestat ordered as he laid the woman on my bed.

"No." I said as I stood up.

"I said drink!" He snapped.

"I'm not thirsty!"

"You have gone a week without food, now drink or I'll make you!" He snapped.

"I would love to see you try." I said sternly.

I watched as he bit into the woman's neck and then he walked us to me. I backed away until I hit the wall. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I felt the blood go into my mouth and I gasped as I tried to close my mouth, finally I bit his lip and he pulled away. I pushed him off of me and whipped my mouth.

"I told you I would make you. Now either drink of your own will or be forced to." He said as he pushed past me.

I covered my mouth and watched as he walked out of the room with the woman's corpse. I still could taste the blood on my lips. The blood tasted like..... strawberries. It wasn't bad like I thought and for some reason...... I tasted something else..... something that was better than the blood. I couldn't describe what it tasted like, but.... I wish I could taste it again.

"What was the taste?" Molloy asked confused.

"It was Lestat..... I didn't know it then, but I craved him...... and I would never admit that to him."

"So you loved him?"

"No..... I soon started to drink of my own account, but there where days I wouldn't and those days I had to deal with Lestat forcing me to feed. A few years past after I had been turned along with my sister."

I walked into a room to see Lestat dancing with Claudia. I smiled as I watched her and from the corner of my eye I saw Louis watching her closely. Since she had been turned Louis had become like a father to her. He protected her and made sure that she was happy, and I could never repay him for that.

"Sister! Will you dance with me?" Claudia asked cheerfully.

"Of course." I said as she grabbed my hand.

I laughed as I spun her around and we moved around the room. I felt a pair of eyes on me and saw from the corner of my eyes that Lestat was watching my every move. Claudia laughed as we danced around and then after a while I misplaced my foot and fell backwards. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I wrapped my arm around his neck. I looked up to see that the person who caught me was Lestat. I quickly pushed him away and set up straight.

"Alright...... that is enough dancing for tonight." I said softly.

I walked out of the room and held my breath as I could smell Lestat behind me. I kept walking until I made it to my room. I went to open the door only to be turned around and pinned to the door.

"Let me go." I said softly.

"Why? You don't really want me to let you go...... I can hear it in your mind." He whispered.

"Get off of me!" I snapped as I tried to push him away.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them to the door. I looked up at him and watched as he put his lips to my ear.

"Tell me to stop and I will." He whispered.

He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes, after a few seconds I gained control of myself again.

"Stop!" I snapped as I pushed him away.

He looked at me shocked and I turned and rushed into my room slamming the door in his face. I leaned against the door and tried to catch my breath. I put my hand over my once beating heart and tried to calm down. I heard him walk away and I let out a sigh.

"Lestat....... what have you done to me?" I whispered.

"He was like a drug to me...... a drug I never wanted to lose." I said as I put my cup of tea down.

"How did he know what you were thinking?" Molloy asked confused.

"He could read minds..... I of course didn't know that until after that incident, but we never spoke of the incident and I was thankful for it...... until the day Claudia finally became angry with Lestat." I said as I shook my head.

"She's mad! She pollutes the very house we live in!" Lestat yelled.

"Do you want me to be a doll forever?" Claudia asked angrily.

She grabbed a pair of scissors and I shook my head.

"Claudia....Don't." I said softly.

"Why not? Can't I change......like everyone else?" She asked as she cut her hair.

I let out a sigh as she walked into the other room, Lestat set down and when I heard her scream I covered my mouth.

"Which one of you did it? Which one of you did it? Which one of you made me the way I am?" She asked as she walked into the room and up to Lestat.

"What you are? A vampire gone insane, that pollutes its own bed!" He snapped angrily.

"And if I cut my hair again?"

"It will grow back again."

"But it wasn't always so! My sister and I had a mother once. And Louis, he had a wife. He was mortal, same as she. And so was I! You made us what we are!" She yelled.

"Stop her." Lestat ordered to me.

"Did you do it to me? How did you do it?"

"And why should I tell you? It's in my power.

"Why yours alone? Tell me how it was done!" She yelled as she cut his cheeks.

"Be glad......I made you what you are. You'd be dead now if I hadn't. Like that damned corpse! Now get rid of it!"

"You get rid of it." She said angrily.

"Claudia enough!" I yelled as I grabbed her hand.

"You're taking his side." She said shocked.

I looked at her sadly and she pulled her hand away from me quickly. She walked out of the room and Louis followed her.

"She will learn to live with it." Lestat said calmly.

"Stay out of my head." I ordered.

"Why? Oh come now Little Birdie you act like this is the first time I've read your mind." He said softly.

"Stop calling me that! My sister thinks I have chosen your side over hers!" I yelled angrily.

"But haven't you?" He asked with a smirk.

"No I haven't." I said as he stood up.

He towered over me and as I looked up at him I felt my words catch in my throat.

"Don't lie to me..... we both know if it came down to it you would choose me. We both know that you love me. You can't hide it." He said softly.

I looked up at him and against my better judgement I grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. He pulled me closer to him and before I knew it I was in his room with him. The next day I woke up snuggled up to him. He was peacefully asleep and I let out a sigh as I stood up. I grabbed my clothes that was on the floor and put them on before I left the house and went to get fresh air.

Interview with a Vampire (The Sister)Where stories live. Discover now