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I walked through the streets and shook my head as I pulled my jacket closer to me. Lights went past me and people passed by. I kept walking until I made it to a big house.

"Good afternoon (Y/n)." The man at front said.

"Afternoon Charles. I am going to be turning in for the night. You may go home for the rest of the day. I will see you tomorrow night." I said as I passed by him.

I walked into the house and made my way through it. I put my coat on a rack and walked up my stairs. I passed a dresser with a shrine and I lit the candles. I turned away from it and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle and downed it in one gulp. I put it away and then let out a sigh. I walked over to the window and looked out at the night. It was dark out and not many people were out at this time of night, but as I looked out the window I could hear his voice calling me.

"Little birdie."

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw a man looking up at my window. I blinked and he was gone. I shook my head and let out a sigh. I heard my doorbell ring and I turned and walked to the door.

"Good evening ma'am." A man said.

He had short black hair and he was tall and dressed on a suit.

"Good evening Mr. Molloy." I said as I held the door open for him.

He walked into my house and I shut the door. I led him to the living room and brought him a cup of tea.

"So...... how.. how did you become a vampire?" He asked softly.

"I can still remember it like it was yesterday, it was the year 1794. I didn't live like most people, I really didn't live. I lived with my sister and my mother on the streets. My father having passed away a couple years before. I was an average teenage girl, only eighteen years old when me and my sister met them." I smiled softly at the memory.

It was a cold night, one of the coldest we had ever had. I was walking through the streets with my little sister. We had been homeless for little over a year now and I was becoming exhausted. We made it to the last place we saw our mother and my heart stopped as I saw her laying on the street. My sister walked up to her and laid beside her. I shook my head and gently kissed my sister's forehead.

"I'm going to look for food..... I'll be back soon." I whispered.

I walked away from her and felt tears stream down my face as I leaned against the wall. In reality I needed a breather and I needed to release the pain I was going through. When I heard a scream I turned and ran back to my sister. I made it in time to see two men. One looked sick and the other was leaning over my sister. I looked around and spotted a stick on the ground. I grabbed it and hit the man as hard as possible. The stick broke and I let out a gasp as he turned and looked at me.

The man had blonde long hair and piercing grey eyes. He was extremely handsome and well dressed.

"You dare hit me." He said angrily.

"I...... get away from my sister!" I ordered as I tried to keep the fear at bay.

He smirked and I stood my ground as he walked towards me.

"Lestat don't." The other man said softly.

"Why? Why shouldn't I snap this little birdies neck?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'm not afraid of you." I said sternly.

"Little Birdie...... you should be." He said as he grabbed me.

I hit his chest as he moved his head to my neck. I felt a scream catch in my throat as he bit down. I tried to push him away, but my strength slowly disappeared. I dug my nails into his back and kept trying to fight. I kept fighting against him until my eyes closed forcing me into darkness.

"So he just turned you like that?" Molloy asked calmly.

"Yes..... after he drained me to near death he decided to turn me, but only because Louis had begged him to... since he had already turned my sister." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"When I woke up I was on a bed, one of the softest beds I had ever slept on, my throat felt dry and it felt like it was burning." I said softly.

I set up and looked around the room. The room was big and the walls were a tan color. The bed had white sheets on it and the bed had two pillows with grey pillowcases. I heard the door open and quickly laid back down and closed my eyes.

"Sister?" A voice asked.

My eyes opened and I saw my little sister. I set up quickly and let out a sigh of relief as I pulled her into a hug.

"You're safe..... I was so worried." I said as I checked her over.

"I'm so happy you are awake! I've been playing with Louis since you went to bed." She said cheerfully.

"Louis? Who is Louis?" I asked confused.

"My friend." She said happily.

She dragged me behind her and we made it to a big room with a piano in the middle. I heard someone playing it and I saw the man from last night and the man with him. I finally got a good look at him and saw he had black hair and green eyes. The man playing the piano stopped and looked over at us.

"Sister meet Louis and Lestat." She said cheerfully.

I pulled her closer and watched them closely. Lestat smiled as he stood up and walked up to us.

"Welcome to the family." He said with a smile.

"I am not apart of your family and neither is my sister." I said sternly.


"That is not my name! My name is (Y/n) and my sister's name is Claudia!" I snapped angrily.

"Claudia..... would you leave us?" Lestat asked softly.

She nodded her head and walked out of the room. The moment she left I was pinned to the wall.

"Listen to me and listen well. I was kind enough to allow you to live and to let you live here..... you will show me respect." He hissed.

"I will show you nothing! You have no control over me!" I snapped angrily.

"Enough! Both of you..... Claudia is in the other room! Now I understand you didn't ask to be a vampire, but now that you and Claudia are vampires-"

"Wait Vampires? Who said anything about being a vampire?" I asked shocked.

Louis looked away and Lestat moved away from me. I looked back and forth at them and then I shook my head.

"This is a joke...... a cruel sick and twisted joke." I said as I pushed Lestat away from me.

"Louis go take Claudia for a walk." Lestat ordered.

"Stay away from my sister!" I snapped angrily.

Louis looked at me sadly as he walked out of the room, leaving me alone with Lestat.

"Listen to me birdie. I could of let you and your sister die, but I showed you mercy. Now you will do what I say or I promise I will make you wish I had killed you." He said as he pinned me to the wall.

"I already wish that." I said as I pushed him off of me.

He straightened his jacket and glared at me.

"You will either learn to respect me or you will learn to deal with me..... I don't care which." He said sternly.

He left me alone in the room and I leaned back on the wall. I felt tears stream down my face as I tried to calm down. I soon calmed down and my new life began.

Interview with a Vampire (The Sister)Where stories live. Discover now