Chapter 3- Hangout

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    Asuna left class as soon as the dismissal bell rang. She went to her locker and placed the books she didn't need for revision and didn't want her bag to be heavy. Once done, she leaned on the wall beside her classroom door to wait for her best friend, Yuuki.
    A few minutes later, she saw Kazuto walking towards her... but there was another boy beside him.
    "Asuna, meet Eugeo," Kazuto introduced, "We met during art class and he invited me to hang out with him after school. Wanna come?"
    "Yeah, sure! Is it alright if I invite someone?" Asuna requested. Asuna took her phone and went to call Yuuki.
'    "Hey Yuuki. Kaz-Kirito's friend, Eugeo, invited us out after school. Do you want to join? You don't have to if you're busy."
"What? Of course, I'll tag along! Wait, Eugeo? Didn't you guys go to the same class last year?
That's right! No wonder his name sounded so familiar. Eugeo used to be her classmate, but never really talked a lot. He would often hang out with Alice Zuberg, a blonde girl, but enrolled in another school this year.
After their conversation, all three of them went to the front gate to wait for Yuuki. Asuna and Kirito went to have their own conversation about their homework while Eugeo was in a phone call with Alice. A few minutes later, Yuuki finally arrived.
They saw a cafe a few blocks away across the street and all four of them were lucky to pass by an overhead bridge.

When they finally reached, Asuna went ahead and order a cappuccino. Same goes for Yuuki and Kazuto, while Eugeo ordered black coffee. Even if the place was crowded, they were fortunate enough to find a seat for the four of them. Yuuki sat across Kirito while Eugeo sat across Asuna. After taking a few sips of their drinks, Yuuki started talking.
"So, Kirito, why'd move to our school of all places?" she asked.
Kirito didn't speak for a moment, but he didn't want it to be awkward so he answered.
"Let's just say that my parents decided to move here and that I didn't like my previous school," he replied.
"I see. The same goes for me as well," she smiled, "In the end, I'm happy that it happened because I get to meet Asuna- teehee."
Asuna was touched by her words. She was thankful to have a friend like Yuuki.
"We met since first grade and been friends ever since. What about you, Eugeo?" Asuna questioned.
"I'm happy you asked. My friend, Alice, and I have been friends since childhood and we lived outside the city, but she had to move here. In the end, I came here too because I couldn't live without her. Sadly, she had to move again because of her father's job," Eugeo said, " But we still try to make some time to see each other."
"I'm happy to hear that. I know we've never talked a lot last year but I'm glad to know you better now. We should definitely hang out sometime!" Asuna exclaimed.
"Definitely. Also Asuna, I was supposed to end up in your class this year but somehow, someone took my spot," Eugeo said, folding his arms, "If only I scored a point higher than Kazuto. Hmph."
"H-Hey, it's not my fault..." Kazuto said while Asuna and Yuuki tried holding themselves from laughing. Both Kazuto and Eugeo started bursting out laughing, so did Asuna and Yuuki.
"No worries. I'll surely beat you next year, Kazuto." Eugeo replied with a smirk.
"First off, it's Kirito. Second, we'll see about that." Kirito shot back with a wink.
All four of them laughed once again. Suddenly, a ringtone went off.
"Ah-! Sorry guys, I gotta take this phone call," Yuuki said. Asuna saw that it was from her mom, so she told her to go outside since it was loud in the cafe. Yuuki replied and said it was fine as she was sure her mom wouldn't mind.
In the end, Yuuki had to leave as she had to run a quick errand for her mom. All three of them waved her goodbye as she ran off.
"It was nice knowing you Asuna," Eugeo said.
"Likewise," she replied.
While Eugeo and Asuna were having their own conversation, Kazuto went to the cashier to order a slice of chocolate cake. While waiting, he walked towards a bookshelf and borrowed a book titled "Throne of Glass". Once done, he went back to his seat.
Eugeo noticed Kazuto carrying something, so he went on and asked, "Kazuto, what's that?"
"Oh, don't mind me. I was just borrowing a book to read. Ever head of the Throne of Glass series?"
"Yes! I've reread every book more than once. I love it." he exclaimed.
Kazuto was so amazed by his reaction and knew that Eugeo loved reading books. Because of that, Kazuto became curious about what the story was. It made him want to read.
Meanwhile, Asuna was browsing around the internet looking at pictures and videos of her friends in school. She felt relaxed with the fact that she was around people who made her happy. She felt the happiest when she was with Kirito.

It was Eugeo who left the cafe first, so Asuna and Kirito were spending the evening together. The sun already set, which meant that both of them had to leave soon, but they still wanted to spend some time together. Kirito offered to walk Asuna home, and she thought that there was no reason to say no.
    When Asuna checked her watch, she saw that it was almost 8 and felt bad as Kirito might reach home late. Many cars drove past them and since none of them were talking, Kazuto chose to break the silence.
"So Asuna, what are your plans for tomorrow?" he asked.
It took a few seconds for Asuna to reply and eventually, she did.
"I'm not sure. Since it's Saturday tomorrow, I might just stay at home. My mom has no plans to visit the mall so I guess I'll be free the whole day.".
Suddenly, Kazuto walked in front of Asuna and stopped walking. Asuna was stunned by what he did, so she stopped as well. Kazuto turned around, looking Asuna directly into her eyes. Asuna's face then turned light pink and tried to clear her mind before her face becomes too red.
"Asuna, we should hang out sometimes. Just the both of us"
Asuna was startled by what he said that all she could do was nod her head. Kazuto was someone she could call a good friend even if they just met and she knew that she was slowly falling in love with him. Ever since he came into my life, all he ever did was made me smile, she said to herself.
Soon enough, both of them reached the gates of her house. Asuna gave Kazuto a hug, thank him for escorting her and waved goodbye. She did her evening routine and since they exchanged numbers on the way to her home, she thanked Kazuto again through text. Asuna ended her night happy and had a peaceful evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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