I Wish I Could Stay

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Loki stumbled into his partner's apartment at midnight. He was soaked from the rain and for once didn't have the energy to magically dry himself off. He closed the door as carefully as he could and made his way back to their bedroom. All he wanted was to see them. His (Y/N).

As he expected, they were sleeping soundly, hugging their pillow tightly. Their mouth was slightly open and their eyelids were fluttering, and Odin, they were the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Loki smiled softly, warmth spreading through his chest. He leaned over and brushed a stray strand of hair out of his lover's face. Their eyes opened halfway and they smiled sleepily up at him.

"Loki," they breathed. He nodded.

"Yes, darling, I'm here. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"S'okay. I missed you."

"I missed you, too, my love. I was... taking care of something, but I'll be here for a while this time, I promise." (Y/N) laughed a little.

"You always say that."

"This time, I mean it." 

"Come to bed. I need someone to hold."

"In a minute, love. I got caught in the rain, and I should change."

"M'kay..." Loki peeled off his wet clothes and changed into sweatpants and a sweater. He put his other clothes in the washer, then slid under the covers. (Y/N) immediately snuggled close to him and wrapped their arms around his torso. He hugged them tightly and kissed the top of their head.

"I love you so much," he whispered, though they were already asleep. "I wish I could stay with you forever, but there are people in Asgard who expect great things of me. I have to be the prince they deserve. I just wish I could be the partner you deserve as well." He held them a little tighter and blinked back the tears. It was always the same thing. He would go to Asgard for any amount of time, from a few hours to several months, only contacting (Y/N) through letters Heimdall agreed to sneak down to Midgard. He'd finally return to their apartment after what felt like ages away to stay with (Y/N) a while, though always for far less time. Heimdall always told him when it would be safe to leave Asgard and when he should stay, but lately, it seemed like he'd be lucky if he got a few hours with (Y/N). 

And on cue, he heard Heimdall's voice. "Prince Loki, it would be best to return to Asgard now."

"What? I just got here."

"Your brother's coronation is tomorrow. You know that. Come home, and you may return tomorrow."


"I'm sorry, but this is the best course of action at the moment." Loki sighed.

"A few more hours? Please, I at least want to make them breakfast before I need to go."

"You must be back when everyone wakes. An hour more, at most." With that, the voice vanished. Loki actually began to cry now. He'd missed them so much, and he'd only gotten to hold them in his arms for a few minutes. He scribbled a note out and left it on their bedside table, then left the building and called Heimdall.

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