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"My mother always told Thor and me stories about soulmates. All the different legends, all the ways you could find the one truly meant for you. There was the first line your soulmate would say to you, written on your wrist. Seeing everything in black and white until you met them. Getting to make choices for them for a day. Heterochromia, one eye the color of your soulmate's until you meet, which was how Frigga met Odin. And then, there was my favorite.

"Hearing each other's voices when you sang.

"There is something poetic about seeing someone's face and hearing them speak and realizing that you've finally found the music that's been playing in your heart since the day you were both of age. And, unlike the other forms, you never stop hearing your soulmate sing, even after you find each other. I found it reassuring, the fact that there was one person that could never truly leave you.

"I didn't hear my soulmate until I was around 923. I had originally thought it was Amora, as she didn't sing, but then I heard him. The original soul.

"Midgardians have very short lifespans compared to those of beings in other realms. Therefore, it's relatively common for a soul to have several lives, especially if the soul they imprinted on is a god or a similar being.

"His name was Theo. He was beautiful, with curly hair, a mess of freckles, and a mind as wonderful and sharp as his personality. I met him on a mission to Midgard, and despite everything I was dealing with, I grew fond of him and his... his family. They were the first people to show me genuine, open affection just because of who I was, not because of some lie Odin spun. Then I had to leave him behind. And it hurt, so much, because I could hear him singing, every night before I fell asleep.

"Men trærne dancer og fossne stancer, når hun synger, hun synger, 'Com hjem.' Men trærne dancer og fossne stancer. When she sings, she sings, 'Come home.' When she sings, she sings, 'Come home.'

"It wasn't always that song. But, more often than not, it was. My Theo, calling from worlds away, begging me to come home. After a while, it grew weaker and weaker. One night, he could barely whisper the words, so I sang with him.

"Men trærne dancer og fossne stancer, når hun synger, hun synger, 'Com hjem.' Men trærne dancer og fossne stancer. When she sings, she sings, 'Come home.' When she sings, she sings, 'Come home.' When she sings, she sings, 'Come home.' When she sings, she sings, 'Come home.'

"His voice fell away there, but I continued, tears beginning to slide down my face.

"I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene over isbreen tar jeg meg frem. I eplehagen står møyen den vene. Og syner, 'Nar commer du hjem?'

"I didn't have the heart to finish the song. After that, I didn't hear my soulmate sing for a very long time. And I decided I didn't care. I didn't need one more person who would only abandon me.

"And then... I was inches away from losing my life, dangling over the void, my brother's hand gripping mine the only thing keeping me from falling. Odin stared down at us, and I stared up at him, pleading. 'I could've done it, Father,' I shouted. Even that close to the end, the only thing I wanted was for him to finally give me a shred of approval or affection. 'I could have done it. For you. For all of us.' He shook his head at me.

"'No, Loki.' And, that was it. There was nothing more I could do. Thor's grip tightened on my hand. I took a deep breath and prepared to let go, but then--

"I heard you. Soft, almost a hum, like you were singing to focus on your work.

"Strawberry-stained fingertips, chain-smoking, binge-watching Netflix, bike grease in my hair, blood on your jeans, blisters on our feet, a huge grin full of teeth. The California drought, the smell after the thunderstorm that knocked the power out, sweat soaks up my handlebars. I wanna die with all my scars. If they don't like the way we are, then fuck 'em.

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