school project

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Ok so this is from my school art foundations class

We did printmaking and the entire time my teacher was like, "oh my god you're learning something new!!!!" In her excited energetic screechy voice and no I have done this before so I knew what I was doing but anyways that's my rant here's the final product

We did printmaking and the entire time my teacher was like, "oh my god you're learning something new!!!!" In her excited energetic screechy voice and no I have done this before so I knew what I was doing but anyways that's my rant here's the final...

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We had to do an optical illusion but her definition of an optical illusion was really loose so I just did what I wanted

Also we had to 2 different layers and colors of ink so I just did black and white and I think it turned out good considering I didn't give a shit while doing this project


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