Dream On - 1

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Chapter One: Bleu

For the past month, I had been a walking phantom. I strolled the halls of my mother's gigantic penthouse, with no apparent thoughts running through my mind. My hair was constantly messy; as if I had just rolled out of bed...which most of the time, I did. My daily attire was composed of an 80s band shirt, with a pair of (really, really, really) worn sweatpants. 

I can attest you that my mother was getting more and more frustrated at my being.

See, she is what people call, "Manhattan Old Money."

The term gives me quivers for strange reasons.

They are those who have galas for charities, but secretly just want to boast their wealth. A society so powerful that they are considered the monarchs of current-day America. They can make your life a living hell, as they can make it heaven. These people are feared, and looked up to. If you asked me, I wouldn't want to be in the way of their plans. 

Though me, being me; this status I rightfully owned wasn't enough. I always looked beyond all the things I possessed. I can't blame my mother, but her ignorance did make it hard for me not to. I mean, she wanted the perfect daughter. She wanted me to enter the most prestigious school in Manhattan, while I beseeched for a public education. I wanted to surround myself with people who didn't wear Valentino, and Dior. I didn't think it was a big deal. To top it off, I had Noah.

I was in the way of her plans. I was that big, fat stain on her snow white carpet. I was a mistake.

She had a plan for me...by this age, I was suppose to be a properly trained young woman of this society. I was suppose to know French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Chinese. I was suppose to go to those glorious galas with my mother. I was suppose to know how to appropriately dress. 

Disappointment and deceit. 


"Emsley. Will you please pass me the salt?" I passed it to her without a word. 

We sat at the dinning table, which was obviously way too large for only two people. Our stares would rarely meet. Every once in a while, we asked each other to pass condiments. Never did we have a conversation, though. Even if we spent a good hour at the same table, we never spoke more than a few sentences. 

"Emsley, may I have a word?" I nodded, still looking down at my festive plate.

"This Noah...do you see him anymore?" I was surprised she even asked. 

"No, mother." And that was it. We didn't speak at all for the rest of the meal. In a way, we pretented that the other wasn't there, or at least I did. It made eating a bit more comfortable. 

Although, today, I did see her glancing at me. She had sorry look, but I wasn't sure. My hair served as a curtain between her and my face. 

When we finished eating, I headed back to my room in my usual phantom-like way. 


Noah....I know you are here. Please come back. I feel so lonely. 

I suddenly felt a cold current entouring my small figure, and I knew he was there. 

I miss you Noah. I really, really, really do. 

I knew he missed me too.


Since Noah has been gone, I've been sleeping less. Instead, I made little trips to the kitchen. I walked quietly down the hallway, making sure not to wake anybody up. My bare feet felt warm to the touch of the carpet, but my whole body was shivering. It must've been below freezing outside.

I remembered last year, during this season, my dad had left. It was such a hard time to go through, and it's not like I was too young to remember. Unfortunately. It was the winter of my fourth grade, I believe. I had celebrated my birthday a few weeks prior. There wasn't any signs of fighting between my parents. Though, they had become well too aware of my friend, Noah. They spoke about him many times, when they thought I couldn't hear them. They said things like, "how long is this going to last?" "Here we go again" "help me!" They became confused and frustrated, I felt. Although, there were never any quarrels. They were completely normal...at least to my knowledge. Then out of the blue, my father was just gone. He didn't leave anything behind, no clothes, no pictures, nothing. He didn't even leave a note telling us where he went. It felt like he never existed. There I go feeling the same thing with Noah's disappearance.  Although, my father never truly cared about me. 

I past my mother's bedroom, and stuck my face to the door. I couldn't hear anything. Her room was silent, and cold. I decided to carry on with my trip to the kitchen. When I finally reached the kitchen, I noticed that the lights were on. Usually, the lights were never on...

I tiptoed closer to my destination. As I got nearer, I heard someone sobbing and whispering.


Mother? I wasn't exactly aware that she was the type of person that cried. Foremost, I wasn't aware she had anyone in her life.

"I need....you. Yes...it worked....she's cured...for now...."

Who is cured? 

I was planning on barging in, to demand some answers. But I decided, it would best to wait for a later time. My mother seemed pretty upset. So I made a quick 360, and suddenly, I was face to face with my mother. My heart raced, as my whole body froze. 

But...I thought she was back there. 

"What are you doing up so late?" 


Hello People of Wattpad! 

I hope you are like me, and you despise filler chapters. I cannot wait to get into the action! Hahah. Anyways, keep reading.(: 

Please comment if you are confused, if you have any CONSTRUCTIVE critism, or if you really like it! Your support would mean the world to me. 

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