It's not so cold anymore.


I'm woken up by a gentle shake of my shoulders. Tony's voice echoing through the fog of sleep. "Hey kid, come on. I can't carry you, you need to get up kid" he mumbles, I whine curling in on my self a bit. Tony gives a sigh and I can almost hear him thinking what he's going to do, but I don't care. I'm too tired and comfy to move. "FRI anyone about that can lift a teenaged spider-brat around?" I hear him mutter. It goes quiet for a moment as he waits for an answer.

"Mr. Barnes is on his way down. The other Avengers are all either currently sleeping or are currently unavailable." The Irish voice chimes softly, Tony sighs a little as I curl up a bit. A small whine escaping me at the noise as I involuntarily curl into my self.

"Yeah fine, how long till Winnie shows up?" Tony questions softly, a hand brushing throw my hair. I can feel sleep tugging me back down now as I lean into the weight.

"First of all. Don't call me Winnie ever again." Bucky's voice carries through the room and Tony's hand stops for a moment. "Second of all, what's this about an 'immovable object' that you can't just move with the suit?" Honestly, if I was more awake I'd be having a small fan-boy moment.

"Well, not an object per-say. More like a person?" Tony says unsurely, moving away from me. All I can hear is some grumbles, and as time goes on I feel my self fully slip back to sleep. Only just making out the slight feeling of cold metal on my legs.


Tony's P.O.V

I stuck close to Bucky as he carried Peter through the halls, he looked curious as to why I - Tony Stark - brought home a teenaged boy at three am. But he was thankfully smart enough not to ask whilst he held Peter. "He's not mine. Just so you know." I mumble as I open up what would have been Peter's room if he'd said yes not even a week ago. I smile taking a look around the star wars themed room with a small smile. Bucky snorts a little.

"No shit? kid's got your puppy dog eyes." He mutters and I scoff a little.

"You haven't seen his eyes," I mutter and that bastard just scoffs at me, like I don't know what I'm talking about.

"Don't need to. The kid has a baby face so he's bound to have puppy eyes like you." He smirks at me as he sets Peter in the bed, tucking the covers around the kid like an overly attentive nanny.

"So what's the story, Tony? You don't tend to kidnap people....well not that I've seen, for all I know you could have a secret building full of people." He awkwardly jokes and I snort at the idea.

"No, this kid's my intern. His aunt kicked him out for something he couldn't control and he'd been wandering around since like four this afternoon? it's a bit jumbled from there but I got a call from her saying he ran out. I got to separate stories and because I know this kid better than I know her I can tell you he wouldn't just run away. Not from her." I go to continue but realize I was over-sharing again and Bucky was just listening. "Right, sorry. You're probably tired, don't mind me." I mumble, Bucky snorts a little.

"Tony, calm down. I'm not really tired, I'm used to being up by this time. Come on, I was gonna bake. How about I make a hot chocolate and some cookies then get you to bed." Bucky calmly tells me, before I can even argue he's got me over his shoulder and walking out of Peter's room.

"You know I can walk right?" I mumble as he walks slowly down the hall.

"Yeah, but you'll just run if I set you down. Like a child not wanting to go bed yet, I'm not in the mood to chase you around like that." He teases me a little and I scoff.

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