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"I'm sorry, please accept my offering..please..IM BEGGING YOU!"
The young villager pleaded for acceptance but nothing was working.
"And why should I? All you are is a mortal bastard who means nothing to me!"
The horned figure bellowed in return,making the villager weep. "All I need is your whole villages blood to open the gates of Gehenna then my plan will have succeeded!"
"You can take me, but not my wife or my daughter..please don't drag them into this"
Having said this the frightful beast began scanning the scene through the dense terrified crowd for a small baby.
The poor man cried for forgiveness, yelled for mercy and prayed for the safety of his two loves
"Your no use to me now"
Once said the beast had thrown a tidal amount of flames at the man; burning him into merely nothing but dust. The beast looked once more over the terrified villagers spewing blue flames over them all. "I've found you"
The horned nightmare grabbed a baby girl from a mother's arms. "Aet cea nova" all at once the magic spoken tounge (only a few knew the demon language)  formed the baby into a burst of purple flames. The young delicate new life stopped crying making the demonic beast laugh.
"Come to papa"
The beast held the purple flame inflicted baby like a prize.
"Not today Satan"
A young man in his 30's wearing glasses and a cloak ,holding a pack of cigarettes walked through the crowd effortlessly unaffected by the danger. He shot the demon with a bullet of immense power, making the beast yell and cast more blue flames. Once Satan had been temporarily removed from the scene, the man walked away regardless to what had happened. The mother and her child fell silent.
In the distance a man with a white outfit on and a top hat stood far far way and just smirked...
That child had been inflicted with purple flames..

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