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Hello, I'm Nagito Komaeda. My parents got brutally murdered when I was 3 and they left me alone. We were rich so no problem. But I feel like everyone's better than me. Its true anyway. I'm just a rich, spoiled, worthless human being with no meaning whatsoever. I have a very strange obsession with hope. Sometimes, I intend to lose myself within its beauty and just ramble on about it but I've been feeling more despair than hope.

Now, I'm sitting in my bed, scrolling through my news feed. I forgot I'm gay but be quiet. I wish someone would love me. I stood up and went to glass of milk. I made my way down the stairs and went to the fridge. I opened it and poured myself some milk. I set down the glass on the table. I sat on the chair and began to think. I cannot have you poking around my business so I wont tell you.  Before I could think, it went black.

I woke up to a spilt glass of milk. ''Did I fall asleep?" I muttered to myself,"looks I did." I took a short shower and put on a plain white shirt with a strange red symbol, a green sweater and my chain. I know it sounds weird but it gives me luck. I tucked it in, grabbed my backpack and set off. I arrived at my school, Hopes Peak Academy. I entered it and saw Fuyuhiko and his gang.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, is the big bully of the school. Thinks of himself as some sort of big shit. Peko Pekoyama, his bodyguard. And of course the short and foulmouthed, Hiyoko Saijonji.(A/N: I know Hiyoko and Kuzuryu don't have a good relationship but hey.)

"Hey look! Its the emo, rich kid!" Fuyuhiko shouted. "I have a right to privacy you know." I mumbled. "What the fuck did you say!?" he spat. "He said he has a right to privacy, young master." Peko said. "Huh? A nasty, trashy, pigshit like you doesn't have any privacy rights!" Hiyoko exclaimed. (A/N: couldn't think of anything better :/) He pushed me to a locker, hitting my head pretty hard. "Can we leave now? His face is getting boring to look at!" Hiyoko pouted. Fuyuhiko let go of me and they left. I knew that wasn't going to be their last.

Your my Only Hope ( A KomaHina fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now