"I'm sorry Y/N, it's going to be okay," he wiped your tears away.

"No it's not Tyler. You freaking came inside me, and i'm going to get pregnant and the Bishops are going to take me and kill me and they're going to find out about you."

Tyler shushed you, "Y/N, we don't even know if anything has happened. I'm sorry I couldn't control myself. I'm sorry."

"Go out and buy me a pregnancy test. Now," you ordered him. Tyler grabbed his car keys and ran out immediately.

20 minutes passed of you pacing around your bedroom waiting for Tyler to return. Finally you heard his footsteps running up the stairs and bursting into the bedroom.

"I brought you three kinds," he panted, out of breath from running.

"Good thing these are immediate now." You grabbed the first test and went to pee on the stick. With the technology nowadays, you were able to tell if you were pregnant right after finishing, instead of waiting a while.

You took all three, and started to wait to see the results. Tyler sat on the bed, bent over with his between his knees, while you continued pacing around. Finally, the timer went off signaling the tests were ready. You headed over and looked at all three results.

"Oh shit," you muttered.

"I just don't know what we are going to do!" you exclaimed to Tyler, who was now pacing around his room, after finding that you were pregnant.

"I seriously fucked up, I'm so sorry Y/N." He grabbed your hands and pulled you into a hug.

"It's okay, accidents happen but I don't want to lose the baby." You place your hand on your stomach.

"We are just so rebellious," Tyler tried to joke with you, which made you laugh a little.

"We're back!" Josh yelled from downstairs.

"Maybe he will know what to do." Tyler started to head downstairs, and you followed behind him.

"How's my baby?" you cooed to Westley who was in his stroller. You picked him up and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He smiled a toothy smile up at you, laughing.

"Josh I gotta tell you something." Tyler got serious, making Josh look up at him with a worried look.

"Is everything okay, man?"

"Y/N is pregnant."

Josh looked over at you, and then looked back at Tyler, and then back to you.

"That's not good." Josh ran his hand through his messy hair and sighed.

"I know, and I don't want to lose the baby," you exclaimed, before any of them can suggest taking the pill which would terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

"But Y/N, do you understand how much danger this is putting Tyler and I at now?" Josh started to argue.

"Josh, c'mon man, it's her body," Tyler interrupted, standing up for you.

"Why don't you adopt the baby? In case they find or ask, but Tyler and I will still be the parents," you suggesedt to Josh. He looks at you with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. He pursed his lips together before speaking.

"I guess I could."

"Would you really?" You asked excitedly.

"I would do anything to keep us all safe." Josh pulled you and Tyler both into a group hug.

An hour later the kids came back from school. Autumn seemed exhausted, and Connor was in a bad mood once again.

"How was school?" Tyler asked them, as you started to make them an after school snack.

"Stupid." Connor mumbled.

"No one talks to me," Autumn whined as she grabbed the sandwich you made her.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I promise it will get better." You tried to reassure her but she wasn't listening.

"Why was school bad?" Tyler asked Connor.

"Because everyone is smarter than me in my DNA classes. It's embarrassing."

"You're so smart Con, it'll get better." Tyler placed his hand on Connor's shoulder, giving him a fatherly hug.

"Before you guys start on your homework, I have something to tell you," you announced. Autumn and Connor shared a look of nervousness with each other.

"Is it bad?" Autumn worried.

"No, it's that your dad and I are expecting another baby." You placed your hand on your stomach, even though there was obviously nothing showing yet.

"What are you talking about? You already are at the limit?" Connor started to raise his voice.

"Josh will adopt the baby so it won't technically be illegal, but it will still be our kid, your sibling," Tyler explained.

"Why can't you guys just follow the fucking rules?" Connor screamed at you both before storming up the stairs. You flinched at the sound of his bedroom door slamming.

"I'll go take care of him," Tyler kissed you on the forehead before heading upstairs.

"Do you understand Autumn?" You asked your daughter who was sitting at the table, stunned after everything that just happened.

"I'm going to have another sibling?"

"Yep, and to make sure we are safe, we are going to report that i'm a surrogate for Josh but in reality it's my baby," you try your hardest to explain to her, so that she didn't worry.

"I see that Connor didn't take it well?" Josh walked into the kitchen, holding a sleeping Westley.

"Nope." You shook your head.

"Be safe," you kissed Tyler before he headed out to Trench with Josh.

"I always am." Tyler opened the door, and blew you a kiss before closing it behind him.

Tyler and Josh headed down to the Trench, and were welcomed with yellow flower petals being thrown on them as they reached the end.

"I have a new song to play for all of you tonight," Tyler spoke. Josh sat down at his drum set. "I want all of you to hold hands with one another and sway side to side."

Everybody grabbed hands and started to sway as Tyler sang.

"I can take the high road, but i know that i'm going low, i'm a ban-, i'm a bandito," everyone chorused together. It brought tears to Tyler's eyes to see everyone together as a family, feeling of safety.

As the show ended, and everyone wanted to talk to Tyler and Josh and thank them, Josh started to hyperventilate.

"Josh, are you okay?" Tyler grabbed his shoulder and made him look at him.

"I swear I saw someone in red watching in the corner," his voice quivered as he pointed a shaky finger to the corner.

"I don't see anything?" Tyler looked around confused, but there was no way Josh would be acting this way if he didn't actually see something. 

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