Packing a small bag in the middle of the night is not as easy as it sounds for a woman who just gave birth. With the satchel at her side, Ned I'm her Arms placing a Note at Sansa's bed side, and another one at Blaire's.
Saying a silent farewell before, with much difficulty, mounting her horse, with some difficulty, and riding to white harbor.

An hour after dawn Max arrives at white harbor with Ned in her arms. Giving the Sailor some gold she tells him to take her to Dragon Stone. The letter she sent to Jon saying she was coming to Dragon stone to meet this dragon queen, must've gotten there by now. Sitting on the deck with Ned in her arms the sailor smiling at the child in her arms.

1 week later

Arriving at Dragon stone was, Interesting to say the least. Seeing the Dragons flying around in the sky was something she never thought she'd see. Seeing Jon and Sir Davos standing on the shore waiting for her made her happy as well, Though it wasn't just them waiting for her. Two women, one with silver hair, the other with brown, and a very small man were standing with them.

Placing Ned in his little basket and hopping out of the boat to help the sailor bring the boat to shore, Max finds herself nervous to meet the Dragon Queen. Once the boat on on the shore securely Max gently picks up Ned and walks on the sand now standing in front of her husband and the Mother of Dragons.

 Once the boat on on the shore securely Max gently picks up Ned and walks on the sand now standing in front of her husband and the Mother of Dragons

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What she's wearing


Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves I look over at Jon to see him staring at the baby boy In My arms that is fast asleep. Cautiously I take a hesitant step forward to Jon, seeing the Dothraki guards lifting up there curved swords in defense. Seeing me not as a threat the slightly lower them, as I continue to walk to Jon. Standing in front of him I gently lift Ned up and place him down in Jon's arms. I watch as he stares down at him with love filled eyes, Ned now that he's awake, stares up at him the same way.

Lightly caressing my baby's head I take a step back and head back towards the Mother of Dragons. Keeping eye contact with I make my way so I'm now standing a few feet in front of her once again.

"Your grace, it's an honor." I say nodding my head ever so slightly.

"It's an Honor to meet you as well." She says smiling genuinely. I already like her, I think to myself.

"Sorry for showing up abruptly but I was told there was something important I had to be here for." I say looking toward Jon to see him smiling happily down at the baby boy in his arms. He looks up to with the smile still on his face and walks over handing my little Ned back to me.

"It's quite alright he has mentioned you before and your...magic." She says unsure, sharing a look with her Hand.

"Yes, and you don't believe it." I say nodding my head. "Yes well I can see why. But I'm not here to talk about me, I may not have grown up in the seven kingdoms but from what Jon had told be before hand about you and your rival, the other queen seems a bit..." I trail off thinking of a word to describe it when I see the look on her Hands face knowing that he must be related to the other queen.

"Aggressive, so to speak." I say. All the The Queen does is nod her head with a small smile, now directing her eyes to the baby in my arms.

"Would you like to hold him?" I ask her getting a bewildered look from Jon all the people around me as well as the Dragon Queen. But she nods her head anyways looking unsure.

I lift him slightly in my arms taking a step forward lightly, and gently putting him in her arms. She hold him with care like any women or mother, Ned staring at her curiously grabbing a piece of her hair and playing with it. I smile at that looking at Jon to see him wit a small smile as well. 

That went well.

After finally getting little Ned to sleep I now stand around a stone table shaped like the land people are fighting to control.

I let my fingers graze the edges of the Westeros shaped table before looking up when Daenerys speaks.

"So why are you here my lady." She says.

"You want Jon to bend the knee, and swear his allegiance to you but he doesn't." I say

"And do you?" Tyrion Lannister who's name I learned, says.

"Depends." I say.

"One what?" He questions.

"On Your Queen." I say simply.

"How does it depend on me?" Daenerys says.

"The other Queen your fighting, from what I've heard , can't tell the difference between saving the world, and destroying it. Just meeting you now I can already tell that you know the difference, and your going to make a difference. You don't want to use your Dragons like weapons to burn down castles and thousands of innocent lives. You just want to reclaim what is your birth right what has belonged to your family for hundred of years. You care. I won't bend the knee unless Jon does an since he hasn't yet neither will I, but I would have not immediately no, but I would have with time. But we can all be stubborn at the worst of times." I says looking back at Jon just see him looking at me in disbelief  but I just smirk.

"Well then I thank you for sharing your opinion with us it helps to know you don't think badly." She says. I nod in gratitude before I exude myself. Trying my hardest not to tell Jon what i saw.

Seeing a wisp of silver hair on my sons head with the words of the Red witch still floating about in my mind.

I'm certainly not a Targaryen but what about Jon?

Sorry if it's short but i was working on some other story's as well. Tell me what you think.

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