Chapter 4: Molly likes mint chocolate chip

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Jason: OW.

Suddenly foot steps outside his room could be heard and next a female voice.

Inko: Jason? Why are you still awake?

Toga/Jason head: Shit.

Toga immediately hid under his covers and Jason helped her hide. Soon his door opened revealing Inko in her nurse outfit.

Jason: Oh, uh hey Inko. What are you doing up?

Inko: I told you I was going to be working late. I also stopped by the grocery store since we were low on some stuff. Could you help me with them?

Jason was freaking out in his head. Here he was with no shirt, a hard on, red beat, bloody lip, sweating, and with a half-naked hot girl who is hiding in the blankets.

Jason: Uh sure let me grab a shirt.

Inko closed the door and Toga sprung up from the bed. They then didn't speak or say anything but silently mouthed at each other.

Toga: What do we do?

Jason: I don't know. Stay here and stay quiet.

Toga: Ok.

Jason then got a shirt on and tried to fix his hair and cool down his face since it was beat red. He then walked out the door with Toga going back into hiding in his blankets and bed covers.

Outside the room and in the kitchen

Inko was putting the food away where it belonged in the fridge or pantry and Jason was handing them to her.

Inko: So how was your day.

Jason then remembers how his day was. He met a hot girl who he thinks is a bit crazy but nice. They had some fun doing parkour around the roofs and alley ways. They got some ice cream and had a nice moment. Then they saved a bunch of little girls from villains and murdered the villains. And he almost got caught getting busy with Toga.




Jason: Oh, um nothing too much. Just was home alone cause Izuku went out to the beach and stuff.

Inko: Oh, I heard from him about that. He said he was going to start working out there.

Jason's head: Really? Why the sudden interest in physical health now bro?

Inko: Sorry he ditched you though.

Jason: No, its fine.

They then continued to put away the food. Until Jason started another conversation.

Jason: So, uh how was work today?

Inko: Crazy.

Jason: Really why?

Inko: Well you know those kids we got. The ones who were pretty banged up.

Jason: Yeah?

Inko: We just got another 12. It was different though.

Jason immediately knew what she was talking about. They were the same girls he saved earlier. The ones who were being held captive by those pathetic criminal scum.

Jason: Well how was it different?

Inko: Well my day was pretty normal and easy. You know the common house accidents and drunk idiots. When my shift was about to end though a bunch of cops and pro heroes came in with more kids. They asked me to stay a bit longer since we were so under staffed, so I did. The cops asked us to try and figure out if they knew anything. So, I just decided to try and get them to open up.

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