Chapter 5: Not So Happy Campers (Part 5)

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Duncan and I looked at each other before shaking our heads, knowing nothing good coming when someone says that.

(1hour later)
We now found yourself on top of a cliff in our bathing suits.

"Ok your first task is to jump off this one thousand foot high cliff into the lake." Yelled Chris.

"Piece of cake." Smirked Bridgette, knowing that water sports where her bread and butter.

"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stoked with psychotic man-eating sharks." Chris chuckled "Inside the smaller area is a safe zone, that's your target area which we're pretty sure is shark free."

Pretty much? I'm gonna bet my life on pretty sure? *Sigh* If I die, Annie, you get my room and everything in it.

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survive, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." Chris pointed to the crates on the beach. "Inside each crate are supplies you'll need for the second part of the challenge, building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Now let's see killer bass. Your up first."

"Oh wow, so who wants to go first." Bridgette asked but I can literally hear the crickets.

"Don't worry guys. I heard that these shows always make to inters do the stunt first to make sure it's safe." Owen said.

"Well I guess I'll go first." Bridgette said worriedly

"Don't worry bridge. Just trust in your skills" I said

She smile at me before jumping and landed in the safe zone.

"She did it! Yeah! I'm next." Tyler yelled before backing up to get a running start and jump only to land on the Bowie.

He was soon followed by Geoff and Eva.

"I guess I'll go next." I said look over the edge fearfully.

"You got this Bella!" Bridgette yelled from the bottom.

"If it make you feel any better, I'll jump with you." Duncan said, rubbing my back in comfort.

"Thanks Duncan." I said before closing my eyes and jumping.

Luckily for us, we landed in the safe zone before the boat came for us to bring us on land.

I thought DJ and Courtney were gonna jump but instead they came down on an escalator wearing chicken hats.

"That is so unfair. You jumped, why couldn't they. They are gonna make us lose the challenge." Duncan growled lowly in my ear.

"It's no big deal Duncan." I said, grabbing his hand to calm him down. "Let's just try and get through this challenge."

Ezekiel and harold jumped but landing in the safe zone in a painful way. Ezekiel it the side of the cliff before landing and Harold landed while doing the splits.

Duncan laughed at Harold's misfortune as he held his crotch in pain.

Next Katie and Sadie jumped, screaming that they were on the same team now cause apparently Izzy switch with Sadie.

That was everyone from our team so the 'Screaming Gophers' are-

The next thing I know, Leshawna was throwing Heather off the cliff, before jumping off herself.

Followed by Lindsey, Nick who was screaming like a baby girl, Gwen, Cody, a crazy laughing Izzy and Justin. Just was the only one who landed out of the safe zone but apparently, he was so handsome, the sharks fell in love with him. Even gave him a lift to shore.

"I still don't get it"I said to Duncan who smiled fondly at me.

"You don't have to angel." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Next person to jump was Noah then Trent, leaving Owen to be the last person up there.

"Ok campers, there's only one person left. You guys need this jump for the win and if you do, we'll throw in a cart to push your crates on." Chris said throw a mega phone.

I hope he's gonna be alright.

Owen put on his water wings before getting a running start and jumped, his landing caused a wave that almost drowned us on land. I think I even see a shark in a tree.

"The winners of this challenge are the 'Screaming Gophers'!" Chris yelled.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Duncan asked as he help me up and look me over from head to toe.

"I'm fine Duncan" I smiled before kissing his cheek.

Just then, he pulled my face into his chest.

"Owen! Put some pants on!" Duncan yelled.


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