The Next Day (Jeremy's POV)

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The next day at school was awful for Rich. Everything was normal for me but I saw Rich getting bullied. The captain of the basketball team recognized him as the guy talking to Jake the other day and after he saw Jenna's tweets he went after Rich. Rich was walking down the hall hunched over with his hood up.
"Hey Richard GoranTHki," the captain said, mocking Rich's speech. Rich grumbled and tried to walk away.
"Where you going shortie?" The captain sneered. Rich looked petrified. I tried to step in.
"Stop it you jerk!" I yelled.
"Whatcha doing? Trying to help your BOYFRIEND?"
I felt my face heat up.
"I take that as a yes," the bully said.
I was able to distract the bully long enough for Rich to get away.
"He's not my boyfriend asshole!" Luckily, I was able to get away as the rest of the basketball team called him over.
Rich is in my first period class, but he wasn't there today. He's probably skipping. That's unsurprising. Why am I think about Rich so much? It's not because I like him it's just because I'm worried. I head to the bathroom because first period is boring.

I hear crying in the stalls. That's weird. Wait is that... Rich?
"Rich is that you?"
"Go away tall ath," he says through tears.
"What's wrong?"
"My life ith a joke."
"What? You're like one of the coolest guys in school!"
"WATH one of the cooletht guyth in thcool."
"You're still cool. At least to me." The stall door bursts open and Rich hugs me, tears soaking into my shirt.
"Tall-ath." Suddenly, he pulls my shoulders down and pecks me on the lips. Rich's face turns red.
"I've... been wanting to do that... for a while," he admits sheepishly. I'm still in shock. I stand there blankly for a moment.
"Thanks," I say stupidly.
"Wanna play ekth-bokth (Xbox) after thcool?" He asks, recovering from the moment of embarrassment.
"S-sure," I reply, flustered.
"I gueth I don't need a thquip to get hot dateth." He seems to be returning to his old, cocky and flirty self.

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