First year | Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

He was holding back tears, Mum rolled her eyes and signaled that dad was absolutely mental. I chuckled as Father pushed mum a little, she laughed and put her arm around his waist. Harley found me later on, saying the kids in his compartment were driving him crazy.

"Why do you still wear that thing?" He said in disgust.

I looked at the ring, "Aunt Kass gave it to me."

He rolled his eyes, pointing to my neck.

I felt the cold of the chain, "What the—?!"

I hadn't even noticed I put on the necklace Malfoy gave me.

"Hide it, I don't want to see his smug face." Harley sighed.

I tucked it into my shirt, hoping it wouldn't pop out.

Our compartment door slid open, "Mind if we sit with you?"

A boy with a darker complexion, slightly slanted eyes, and a sharp face asked. He was wearing first year robes. There was a girl behind him, she had long, dark hair with a headband like me.

"Go ahead." I said.

They sat across from us and noticed we were looking out the window.

"Are those your parents?" She asked.

I nodded, "My father is a bit weird at times."

"Your parents look  young." the boy said.

"Don't be fooled, they're both fifty." Harley whispered.

I smacked Harley on the arm, "They're both thirty-six."

"They're quite young."

"Well, they did have my brother when they were nineteen and me at twenty-two." I shrugged.

"Right, we should introduce ourselves." the long haired girl sighed.

"I'm Millicent Bulstrode." she smiled.

"Blaise Zabini." he winked.

Ah, barely five minutes and I've found the flirty boy. Well, it could've been worse, could've been Malfoy.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n) Riddle."

Harley elbowed me.

I rolled my eyes, "Right, my cousin, Harley Angelos."

Their eyes widened when they heard our names.

"I'll take it that you know our last names?" Harley sighed.

"Who wouldn't! Your mother is famous for her beauty and smarts, she's the best in the Wizengamot! Your father is also the best Auror around, he catches every dark wizard assigned to him!" Blaise beamed.

He turned to Harley, "Your mother was the best in the Irish Quidditch team! So many teams fought to get her to join them!"

"All of that in one breath?" I asked, astonished.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now