Jeremy's Perspective- First day back

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It's my first day back at school after the 'squip-cident'. Today's gonna be rough, I thought as I got dressed. My mind started to wander. I wonder when Rich will be back. He was still in the hospital  when I left. He was saying some pretty weird stuff the one time I got to talk to him. He must've been on some crazy painkillers because the biggest homophobe at our school said he was bi. He must've been joking. And he was lisping like crazy! Probably just painkillers.

I ate breakfast and got on the bus, bracing myself for the torture that would probably ensue. The first person who talked to me, once I got to school, was Brooke.

"Hey Jerry" she said. She still called me Jerry, jokingly, even though she knew my name.
"H-hey Brooke..." I stammered, not expecting anyone to talk to me.
"Glad you're back today. I have SO much to fill you in on."
"Really? Why are you talking to me? Don't you hate me after what I did to you?"
"Oh I'm still mad. But I need SOMEONE to gossip to because I'm not talking to Chloe and Jenna already knows this."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry about what I did, it was definitely wrong and I can't excuse what I did."
"Thanks Jerry. OH MY GOD- Jenna has fresh gossip, see ya!"

She sped off towards Jenna, excited for juicy gossip. I needed to find Michael, and apologize to him- and everyone else. I wandered and found him near the cafeteria holding a slushy. He was jamming, probably to Marley, so I waited until he was done.
"Hey Michael," I said awkwardly.
"'Sup player 2?" He replied. It sounded as if he'd forgiven me. Maybe he was just in a good mood because of Marley.
"Just cut to the chase, what did you want to talk about?" He replied, coolly.
"I-I'm sorry about what I did the last few months! I can't excuse what I did on the squip, I let it block you, I'm so, so, sorry!" I said, looking at the ground.
"Bro, I forgive you. I mean, yeah, you were shit to me, but it wasn't all your fault and I want to be friends again because you're my favowite pewson."
"Thanks dude." I tried to walk off before Michael said.
"Dude wait! We have some catching up to do," Michael called.
Right, I should probably talk to him some more. Michael started talking about missing playing AotD with me, school drama, etc. I zoned out because I couldn't stop thinking of Rich.

"Bro? Were you listening?" Michael asked. Shoot, I was not listening at all.
"Uh yeah, totally..." I lied.
"Uh huh," Michael said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "what's on your mind?"
"Rich." I blurted out. My face turned red as a tomato.
"Really? That psycho? He ruined your life! He burned down his best friend's house?! Why?" Michael replied.
"I-uh-um-ngh... I was just really worried. I saw him in the hospital and I couldn't help but worry."
"Yeah... rumor has it he'll be back within the week. You can talk to him then." He nudged me in a way that you would do to get someone to talk to their crush.
"I don't like him like that!! I'm straight! Bro!"
"When did I ever say you liked him?"
Shoot. I don't have a crush on him though. Do I?
"ANYway, you should talk to Christine, she really wants to talk to you."
"Ok, see ya player 1!" I said running off to find Christine. I easily find her by the auditorium.

"JEREMY!" She calls, excitedly.
"Hey Christine," I say, blushing.
"Wanna go out tonight?" She asks, cutting to the chase.
"Sorry, I'm, uh, busy," I had no plans for tonight.
"Ah that's ok, are you going to audition for the play this week?"
"I don't think so, after what happened last time I don't think I could," I replied. She looked disappointed.
"Michael said you wanted to talk to me..."
"Oh, I already did! I asked you out but you said no. Well, see you around Jeremy!" She replied happily walking into the auditorium.

Huh, no torment yet? Weird. Well I guess after the squip thing they understand? I headed off to class.
When the bell rang I hurried over to the cafeteria. I see Michael, Brooke, Jenna, and Christine all waiting at a circular lunch table. Usually Jake sits here too but he's at a different table today sitting with- RICH?! Rich is wearing a jacket, which is odd, because he usually loves to show his very muscular arms.

"Jeremy?" Michael says looking concerned. I must've been spacing out.
"Oh... hey," I say, referring to everyone.
"I... I didn't know Rich was back..."
"Yeah. That psycho came back today too," Brooke said. Jenna nodded. It was probably her who informed everyone. The table started chatting, but I just zoned out. I started listening to Rich and Jake's conversation. Is Rich... lisping? I must be hearing things. I join in on the conversation at my lunch table.
In seventh period, my mind started to wander. Deep in thought, I think of Christine. I try to think of her romantically, but I can't. I need somewhere to think in private.

As I exit the stall, I see a short and muscular figure enter the bathroom. It's Rich. He seems like he's trying to turn around and leave the bathroom to avoid me.

"Hey Rich," I say, trying to start a conversation.
"Hi," he said quietly.
"When did you get out of the hospital?"
"I got out ye- Monday," he said. Yesterday was Monday.
"How's your day been?" I asked. I'm terrible at small talk.
"Fine," he mumbled. He tried to escape into a stall. I wanted to check something. If I'm right about this it probably means everything else is true too.
"Say Mississippi."
"Why not?"
"BECAUTHE I DON'T WANT TO," Rich exploded.
I was right. He did have a lisp.
"Fuck off loother," he said quietly, looking embarrassed. He went into a stall and I went back to class.
"Hey Michael," I started as we hopped into his PT Cruiser, "does anyone at our school have lisp?" I asked, casually. I wanted to see if he knew about Rich.
"Uh, there was this guy freshman year who had one. He was a huge nerd. His name was like Richard or something weird like that," he replied nonchalantly, " I think he left after freshman year."

When we got to Michael's house we looked through his old yearbook. We find a kid with honey blonde, middle parted hair, a tooth gap, and a dorky smile. His name? Richard Goranski. Yep. That's him alright.

"I saw Rich in the bathroom today and he was acting weird. He was trying to avoid me and he was lisping. I think that's him."
"Oh my god. Jenna would KILL for news like that. I'm texting her right now."
Shit. It seemed like he didn't want anyone to know and now it's my fault.

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