First year | Malfoy Manor

Start from the beginning

"They take edgy to a whole new level, aye?" Leo chuckled as he elbowed Harley.

I saw a glimpse of a garden and there were albino peacocks everywhere. We got out of the car and knocked on the large doors. They opened and a house elf in rags brought us in, I felt bad seeing him.

"Dobby, are they here?" A woman's voice called out.

She came out in an elegant green and black dress, she had a frown on her face, like she smelled something horrible. When she saw mother, the look quickly faded into a sweet look.

"Bella!" She came forward and hugged mother.

"It's been so long Narcissa, you look good." She greeted father and moved to us.

Harley was nervous and she could tell, she said hello in a gentle voice. She didn't pry him to open up, and I think he was glad.

"Leo, you've gotten so handsome!" She gushed.

Leo smiled, flexing his nonexistent muscles, "Glad someone appreciates my beauty. It's not my fault I was sculpted like a god."

Narcissa seemed to like his humor, but her most shocked reaction was seeing me.

"My dear (Y/n), you've grown up into a beautiful young lady!"

I felt extremely uncomfortable with the compliment, I fidgeted with my ring.

"Uh, thank you Mrs. Malfoy."

My smile was awkward, she gave me a small smile in return, her mouth twitching as she did it.

"Oh please, call me Narcissa." She took us to the drawing room, where I saw a man as equally intimidating.

His hair was long, he almost looked like Legolas from Lord of the rings...but if he was on Sauron's side. His steel gray eyes pierced my soul, I felt violated.

"Ah, the Riddle family."

"Lucius." Father held out his hand.

He stuck his nose up to fathers offer, turning away from us.

"Draco, come say hello to the guests." he called into the other room.

We turned upon hearing footsteps, and a boy showed up in all black. He had a pale and pointed face, his looks matched his fathers. It didn't help that his parents looked like they could've come from the same bloodline. His platinum hair was slicked back, not a single hair out of place.

"Draco, this is the Riddle family. You and their daughter used to play when you were little." Narcisa said.

He looked at us, but looked at me with a piercing look. I shivered at how cruel his look towards me was.

"I think the kids should get to know each other better outside," Lucius hit his cane on the floor, shouting. "Dobby!"

The house elf from before ran in, "Ye-yes master?"

"Show them out to the garden, watch them closely." he said.

The house elf trembled, I felt bad for the elf so I broke the tension.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now