Real life

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Naveah's pov

I woke up to someone rubbing my back. I stretched and yawned thinking it was Daniel. I then turned around and curled up around the person.

This isn't Daniel! Daniels a little more scrawny but has nice ab muscles. I opened my eyes and sat up. It was Cody!

"What the hell!?" I asked getting out of bed.

"Lilly!!" I yelled. She didn't answer.

"Lillian!!" I yelled again

Why isn't she answering??

Cody got up and I realized he was naked.

"What the fuck!!?? Stop!!" I said closing my eyes and holding my hands out.

"What Naveah? You don't want me?" Cody asked still walking towards me.

"No! Please! Don't touch me!" I said looking away from his dick.

"Put your fucking dick away!!" I said

He continued walking towards me to where I was pinned against the wall.

"Get off!!" I yelled before bringing my leg to his balls.

He groaned and doubled over. I grabbed his head and bashed my knee into it. "Fuck you!!" I yelled before getting out of my room.

I ran into Lillian's and found her tied up in the corner. I closed the door and locked it before running over to her.

I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and threw them on before grabbing Lillian's keys and putting them into my bra.

I found Lillian's phone and put it into the waistband of the shorts. "C'mon Naveah! You can't run from me forever!" Cody said jiggling the doorknob.

I quickly untied Lillian and took the sock out of her mouth.

She had tears down her cheeks and her mascara was running.

"Shh! We're gonna go down the fire escape ok? Be quiet!" I whispered as she nodded and stood up. There was banging on the door while Lillian got up and put her checkered vans on.

She realized I had her phone and nodded. I silently opened the window as the banging got louder.

We crawled out of the window as the banging kept getting louder and louder. I shut the window and started crawling down the ladders just as the bits of wood flew from the door being busted open.

We climbed down faster before jumping off the end.

We ran to the parking garage and got in her car. I started the car before speeding out of the garage.

I grabbed Lillian's phone and handed it to her telling her to call Daniel and tell him we're on our way.

-skip car ride-

I parked in the driveway and we both got out looking around us to make sure no one followed us.

We then sprinted inside and I closed the door before locking it.

"Daniel!?" I yelled closing all the curtains.

"Yea? Hey it's ok I'm here!" Daniel said grabbing my shoulders.

"It's not me who needs someone to hold them it's her!" I said and pointed to Lillian who was pulling her fingers.

"What's going on?" Zach asked walking down the stairs with everyone but Corbyn following.

"Jonah!" Lillian sobbed making Jonah push his way through the guys to get to her.

He wrapped his arms around her and she sobbed. I felt arms snake around my waist and a chin being placed onto my shoulder.

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