~Chapter 2~

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Getting out of the car, Finn walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. He held his hand for Bayley to grab it, she smiled and accepted the help. He went to pull his hand away but she gripped it tighter, "don't let go, please?" she quietly begged. He didn't need to say anything he just nodded and they walked towards the bar. 

Once inside the bar Finn and Bayley quickly found the group of Sasha, Seth, Becky, Dean, Charlotte and Roman sitting at a table in the back.

"Bayley!" screamed Sasha launched herself at Bayley, who accepted the hug whole heartedly. Bayley didn't even notice she started crying until Sasha pulled back and asked why she was.

Bayley quickly wiped her eyes, looked around the table. "Aaron...he..." she struggled to get her emotions under control. "He broke up with me."

All you could hear is gasps around the table, immediately the other 2 women rushed to her side and Finn got pushed aside. He laughed a little and went to join the guys who were all wondering why Aaron broke up with Bayley. He sat next to Seth and shook hands with the guys, Roman looked over at the girls then back at Finn.

"You know more than your letting on," Finn nodded and took a swig of the beer that was offered to him, then quickly looked over at Bayley who was being entertained by the girls, she looked over and caught his eye and smiled before turning back to the girls.

"He broke up with her over a bunch of text messages spewing bullshit about how he wants someone who is in main events and that has the gold. He wants someone who is going to be able to get him to the top."

Seth let out a huge breath, while Dean and Roman clenched their fists. Each member of the shield thought of Bayley as their little sister, especially since they were all dating one of her fellow horsewomen. All the men were silent for a while, until they heard Sasha screaming. They whipped their heads around to see Sasha screaming in someone's face, while Becky and Charlotte tried to hold her back, and Bayley just stood there looking like she wanted to be anywhere else but there.

Seth jumped out of his seat when he saw who Sasha was screaming at, he walked up to Sasha and grabbed her from behind. "Easy tiger," he whispered into her ear. She struggled against him for a second before stopping and turning to Seth. "He needs to pay for hurting my best friend," she said softly.

"He will but right now, Bayley needs you." He jerked his head toward Bayley. She went to go to Bayley but stopped when she saw Finn pull her into his chest. She smiled softly at the sight and was about to walk away from the confrontation when the person yelled.

"Oh, that's just fucking rich. Look at that not even broken up a full day and you're already jumping his dick. I mean a part of me always thought you two were fucking but this just proves it. Well newsflash Bayley the past 6 months I've been seeing another girl."

Finn heard enough, and shifted Bayley into Charlotte's arms, if he was pissed when he read the messages, he was livid now. He walked right up to Aaron and was about to get in his face when both Dean and Roman stepped in between them.

"Don't do anything stupid Finn," Dean said, "you don't want this loser to cost you your job."

Even though Finn wanted to lay Aaron out, he knew Dean was right. In a very quiet voice that made Dean and Roman shiver he said, "Aaron, don't ever come near Bayley again. You don't know what you lost, and I can't wait to see the day when you're kicking your own ass for losing one of the best things to ever happen to you."

Aaron smirked at Finn, "she's nothing. She always will be nothing. You can have her." He turned to walk away, but after about 5 steps away he turned back, "enjoy my sloppy seconds."

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