Chapter 3 Fighting the Lifeless

Start from the beginning

I don't have time to catch my breath however, because Marianne's other victims have almost reached me. I raise the gun and aim it at the head of the nearest monster, BANG! The bullet punches harmlessly into the wall to the left of its shoulder. I aim the gun higher and to the right, BANG! The bullet flies harmlessly over its head as it trips over its own severed hand that Marianne had somehow torn off. It continues crawling quickly yet rather clumsily towards me. Its almost fallen on top of me when I put the gun against its head, BANG! Its head snaps back with the force of the bullet and I quickly roll out of the way before it pins me down under its weight. I quickly jump to my feet to face the third, its three feet away and closing. Learning from my mistake with the second monster I charge forward until i'm within arms reach. I place the barrel of the gun inside its yawning mouth, BANG! I fire before it can grab me and it tumbles strengthless to the ground. I face the fourth monster, I didn't have to move this time because it was already right next to me. Again I place the gun in its mouth, using it to force it a little away from me, CLICK! No bullet, CLICK! I start to panic as nothing comes out of the gun and the other monsters start drawing close enough to grab me. CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! What the hell?! I only fired the gun five times and officer Dugel only shot once!! That makes a total of six... WHY ARE THERE ONLY SIX BULLETS IN THIS STUPID GUN!!!!

I'm not gonna die like this!!! I pull the gun out of the fourth monster's mouth and slam it with crushing force onto its head, it sways and I feel the skull give a little but it wasn't enough. Its fingers start digging into my shoulders as it tries to bring me into range of its snapping teeth. I smash the gun on its head again and feel the skull give a little more. I feel a hand on my back and realize the fifth is already upon me and i'm not ready for it. I have to deal with the fourth before the sixth shows up or i'll be completely screwed. I slam backwards into the fifth knocking it over to give me space to raise the gun and to get my neck away from the fourth's teeth. I put all my strength and desperation into this last hit because I know I won't have enough time for another, the gun slams into the weakened skull and it explodes under the force and sends clumps of coagulated blood flying through the air.

Before the fourth hits the ground I've already turned to the fifth to see that it hasn't gotten on its feet yet. A swift kick to its legs sends it sprawling again and I even manage to strike its head with the gun before the sixth grabs a mitfull of my long red hair and starts pulling. Agh! I really should have tied that up today instead of just using a headband!! At the very least I wouldn't have hair in my eyes like I do now, since my headband fell off when I was fighting the monster outside my house. A strong pull on my hair reminds me that I don't have time to worry about something as trivial as hairties and lost headbands. I quickly kick the sixth's leg as I grab its hand and throw it over my hip onto the fifth, knocking it back onto the ground. Thank god for the Kung-Fu classes i've been taking. I promptly sit on the sixth's back effectively pinning them both to the ground and slam the gun into the sixth's head. However I underestimated their single minded desire to eat me and my perch begins rocking violently back and forth. I don't have much time before they knock me off. I raise the gun and quickly slam it back down onto the sixth's head, I must have hit it just right or hit a natural weak spot because its skull breaks easily under the force and the sixth stops moving.

After I finish the sixth I raise the gun to strike at the fifth, unfortunately it had wiggled itself mostly free and jerked its body violently as I raised the gun above my head, knocking me off and smashing my upraised hand hard against the ground sending the gun spinning off far out of reach. The fifth throws itself on top of me and grabs my face, "ahhhhhh!!" its right hand digs painfully into my stitches causing me to cry out in pain. I fight hard against it trying to keep its teeth away, but I can feel myself losing as my strength begins to run out. Using all the strength I have, I buck my body and roll us over so that i'm laying on top of it and pinning its neck down with my right forearm and my left hand is pressing down on it to hold it in place, but I know that i've only saved myself a couple seconds and that soon it would overpower me or another would show up and finish me off. As its head starts coming up i'm overcome by a sense of failure I'm sorry Loki but it seems like this is it for me I won't be able to help you get out of this... please... PLEASE don't die Loki...

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