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Last time: some boy is drooling over you, you adk his name.

Now: j-oh my names Jacob, Jacob Sartorius He said scratching threw back of his neck.

An-Well my names Ange- I said before he cut me off

J-Angelina Martinez we did a project together in the begging of he year" he said nervously. 

I knew he looked familiar.  An-Shit sorry Im a dumbass it was science Right? I said as I remembered.

 "You remember?" He said a smile spreading across his face.

 An-Yeah, your pretty cool."

J-I just wanted to tell you your really beautiful 

An-not bad yourself 

At that I turned around. I looked down at my phone. The bell was about to ring. I grabbed my stuff and decided to walk to chris's locker because we both had free's. C=Chris 


An-Chilllll stop being so loud and Fuckin hurry up we bout to go pick up my boyfriend

Chris's jaw dropped 

C:you have a boyfriend he said looking down and pouting


An:guess it start with ch






An:isn't it obvious 


An: Chick-fil-A dumbass I swear you and Alex have the mind a brick wall

C:ohhhh-he said with a smile appearing on his face 

An:come un let's go we need to get there befor he period ends 

We start running down the hall and I saw Elijah my cousin. 

An:hey bitch 

E:hey ugly 

An:Im not ugly 

E:than get someone who can tell me different

An:Okay Chris tell Elijah I'm not ugly

C:she's actually the prettiest girl I've ever seen in- he says as he hugs me from behind and puts his head on my shoulder 

We walk away and Chris is still holding me like that and before we get in  my car he turns me around. He's just staring into my eyes. He suddenly leans in and kisses me I kiss back. He naggs for his tongue to enter but I decline. I pull away and smirk.

An:get in the car Chris 


 A few minutes later

An:can I get a 10pc nugget and Chris what do you want


An:and another one and 2 sprites 

Our food got called and we left and went back to school and ate. The bell rung and it was time for 3 period. Ughhhhhhh mr.matthews. I'm so tied rn

An:I'm so fuckin tired right now brooo

C: then I'll give you a piggy back ride bbg

An:and since when am I your bbg 

C:since now

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