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From that night on, you spent your days looking after the factory with Mr. Wonka.

Every day, Mr. Wonka would teach you something new about the factory, sometimes it would be about certain machines and candy, others it would be the different rooms and what each one was used for.

You and the Oompa Loompas soon formed a strong bond, it was almost like you were family to them. You'd often dance with them when they sang songs and help them with their work. Eventually, you'd actually learned how to have conversations with them and were able to get to know a numerous amount of them pretty well.

You and Mr. Wonka were now sitting together in the Firework Room -or at least that's what you called it-. He'd built a spot where there was a safe distance so you could watch all the colorful explosions, you'd asked if he could since you wanted to see them more. You sat beside him and had your arms around his torso while he kept a hand on your shoulder, both of you watching the fireworks with content smiles on your faces.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Mr. Wonka spoke after a few minutes.

"Yes?" You would've looked up but your eyes were transfixed on an explosion of vivid blues and purples.

"How do you feel about little raspberry kites?" He suggested. 

"With licorice instead of string!" You added, imagining the delicious creation in your mind.

"I think your onto something there." He chuckled in agreement.



You nuzzled your head against his side. "I don't think anything could make me happier than you've made me." He simply chuckled again.

"Well, do you remember what I told you back at the start of the tour?" You managed to tear your gaze away from the beautiful display ahead of you and looked up at him curiously, shaking your head. 

He winked and recited: "This is only the beginning."

You grinned and squeezed him a little as a hug.

"You know something?" He continued.


"I think it's actually pretty great to be a..." He paused, and you immediately knew what he was trying to say.

"Say it." You giggled, pulling away and jumping a little where you sat. 

"A p... p..."

You could tell he was really trying this time. "C'mon, say it! You can do it!" You urged him on, wanting him to overcome his struggle.

"A... p... p...p-p-parent." He then puffed a big breath out, as if he'd gotten the wind knocked out of him.

You shot up and jumped around, clapping in glee while wearing a proud, happy expression. "You said it! You said it! You really said it!" You cheered, feeling excited more than anything else.

He sighed a little, chuckling afterwards and watching you dance around. "You've got me doing all kinds of things I never thought I'd do, you know that?" He admitted.

"Now, get back over here." He smirked and got up, wrapping his arms around and trapping you like a rope, pulling you back to him. You laughed amused as he prevented your escape. "I gotcha now!" 

"Nu! Let me go!" You playfully begged.

"Never." He snickered, holding you close and resting his head on top of yours. After a couple more futile attempts of escaping you gave in, going back to watching the fireworks.

"I love you, Willy." You giggled, snuggling into him and hugging his arms that still held you. You heard him give a soft, happy sigh, and felt lips gently kiss the top of your head.

"I love you too, my little starshine."

That was it, after merely a week, your life had taken a turn for the better. You'd gone from a life of misery, loneliness, and pain, to a life of joy, love, and goodness. And it was all because of that one golden ticket, that golden opportunity, that once in a lifetime chance that you of all people had gotten. You could finally look forward to the sun rising every morning, not having to worry about suffering or anything else of the like. You had a new home, a new life, and above all, a new father.

But Mr. Wonka got something even better. A daughter. Someone who'd carry on his legacy when he was gone. Someone who he could share all his secrets with, and trust with everything he'd ever made and would make in the future. And most of all, someone he could love with all his heart, and would love him back no matter what.

One thing was absolutely certain for the both of you:

Life had never been sweeter.


Willy Wonka x Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now