Chapter 11

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You all approached what seemed to be an almost invisible elevator, you figured out it was an elevator due to Mr. Wonka pushing a button that caused a loud 'ding' noise, and the rectangular box opened.

"I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, the elevator's by far the most efficient way to get around the factory." Mr. Wonka mentioned as you all stepped inside. You stood in front of Mr. Wonka, Mike being beside you. "There can't be this many floors." Mike said, looking at the dozens of buttons that were on the elevator skeptically.

"How do you know, Mr. Smarty-Pants?" Mr. Wonka replied childishly. "And this isn't just an ordinary up-and-down elevator, by the way. This elevator can go sideways, longways, slantways, and any other ways you can think of."

"You just press any button, and, whoosh, you're off!" As soon as he finished the elevator shot to the side, causing everyone to reel back. When it reached a pause, it went to another side, going through a hole that had illuminating lights inside. When you went through, it looked as though you were outside, snow fell from above and the surrounding area was white all over. "Oh, look! Look!"

Mr. Wonka pointed to one side, and you all looked to see a humongous, brown mountain. "Lady and gentlemen, welcome to fudge mountain!" He announced giddily. You giggled that Mr. Wonka addressed you by just 'lady' and not 'ladies' since you were the only girl here. The Oompa-Loompas that were on the mountain looked to the elevator and waved at you all, you and Mr. Wonka waved back before they went back to their business.

After you went through another hole, you saw Oompa-Loompas shaving sheep of their somehow pink wool. 

"Oh!" Mr. Wonka started to say something, getting everyone's attention, but he paused as he looked a little closer, then smiled awkwardly. "I'd rather not talk about this one." "Hehe, they look so fluffy!" You giggled, watching the next wool covered sheep step up to the Oompa-Loompas. 

Mr. Wonka chuckled, feeling a little less awkward after hearing that, then the elevator entered what seemed to be a hospital type of room. "And this is the Puppet Hospital and Burn center." You noticed an Oompa-Loompa in a nurse-like outfit, moving a gurney with a burned up puppet on it. "It's... relatively new." Mr. Wonka added. 

Leaving the hospital room, the elevator suddenly came to an abrupt stop, and to your surprise Mr. Wonka put a hand over you from behind, stopping you from hitting the side of the elevator with your face like Mr. Teavee and Mike.

The elevator did a turn as it went downwards, and you saw what looked to be many desks with lights. "Ah, the administration offices." The elevator stopped at one desk, and Mr. Wonka waved. "Hello, Doris!" The Oompa-Loompa dressed in a lady-like secretary's outfit waved back, and you waved a little too, then Mr. Wonka put his hand over you once more as the elevator shot backwards, entering another room.

The elevator went down and you could really get a look at what was going on. The place was full of muffled explosion noises and thousands of bright lights, the cause being Oompa-Loompas shooting explosive objects from huge machines at dozens of round targets. With each one that got hit a firework-like explosion occurred, putting on an amazing display of colors. It was truly a wonderous spectacle. You were so amazed by the sight, you would watch it for hours if you could. 

But Mike on the other hand, of course, wasn't so impressed.  "Why is everything here completely pointless?" He asked arrogantly.  "Candy doesn't have to have a point, that's why it's candy." You replied. 

"It's stupid! Candy is a waste of time." Mike spat. 

You wanted so badly to just make him stop being such a sour little jerk, but there was nothing you could do.

You looked back at Mr. Wonka and noticed he was in another distant state, only this time he looked much more... devastated. Mike and Mr. Teavee weren't paying attention at all, so you decided to try and help him like back in the boat. You turned around to face him and took a half-step closer, then held his hand as best as you could. He seemed to snap out of it after a second, then looked down at you.

You tilted your head as you looked up at him worriedly, and mouthed: "Are you ok?". He looked down at you for a second, then slowly gave a sweet smile. He gripped your hand gently and nodded. You smiled, happy that he was alright. He then let go and put his hand on your head like the many times before, only this time there was a much more meaningful look in his eyes.

The sweet moment was interrupted by an uncaring Mike.

"I wanna pick a room." He stated, glaring at Mr. Wonka. Mr. Wonka moved his hand away and tried not to give off his irritation, giving Mike a fake smile. "Go ahead." Mike turned to the buttons on the elevator, then pushed one that said: 'Television Room'.

With that, the elevator left the apparent Firework Room, and zoomed off to another area.

Willy Wonka x Child!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang