Chapter 6

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"And you said that she is an intern for the FBI?" The doctor asked me for clarification.

I nodded yes. I was thankful Hotch had let me pick Alli up from the hospital. My anxiety was getting the best of me.

The neurologist scribbled something down on Alli's chart.

"Thanks Doctor." I said as the man handed me the release form on a clipboard.

I signed and he took it from me.

I turned back to the door and knocked. "Alli?"

"One second!" She called from inside.

I stood close, but not too close to the door.

She came out a few moments later dressed in her street clothes. She wore dark denim with a long black sweater. It was disorienting to see her not in uniform and I couldn't help but stare.

"Reid?" She said.

"Sorry, I already know you don't like me." I said and began to walk back to the car. I could feel the blood surging to my cheeks.

"Hey." She said and I felt her hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head to see her face.

She was smiling. "Whoever said I didn't like you?."

My heart froze in mid-pump. I blinked and I felt my sides squirm under their need for air.

She continued to walk out of the hospital and after a moment I jogged to catch up with her.

I felt immensely awkward until I received a text. I unlocked my phone to see that the message was from Hotch. It read, 'Talked to Rossi and Morgan. Do not tell the intern. We will talk more when you get back.' I moved the phone closer to me and tried to nonchalantly hide the message from Alli as we walked out of the building.

When we arrived back at the BAU, Hotch immediately called me into his office. I stood in the doorway while he finished a phone call.

"Have a seat, Reid."

I did as he said. I began to get nervous.

Hotch interlaced his fingers together and leaned across the desk. "Spencer, I've noticed some things recently."

I cleared my throat and shifted my position in my desk. "Like, uh, like what, sir?" I asked pathetically.

"Just some things. You know the rules about these things. Keep it professional, Reid." Hotch's voice fell lower and his eyes sparked as he continued, "She is a valuable resource and I won't lose her because of something stupid you do."

I moved back in my chair and blinked, hoping this was all a dream. I nodded and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"You're dismissed." Hotch said and turned to his computer screen.

I stood and left the office. What was happening to this team?

I bit the inside of my lip and stood with my legs shoulders width apart. Even though I wasn't in the interrogation room with the suspect, I felt the need to steel myself, probably because Morgan stood beside me. The man in the room in front of us seemed legitimately scared to even be in the same room with Hotch and Rossi. He was innocent.

"Hey, Reid." Morgan whispered in my ear.

I swatted at him. "What?"

"You asked the intern out yet?"

I turned from my position to face him. "No, Morgan! Why would I do that?!"

A smile spread across Derek's face. "You know why." His eyebrows shifted up and down.

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