𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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Fuck I'm lost


I looked around for any signs or street posts but nothing Just house after house.

I started to walk down the road a bit further gripping my backpack tighter.

I looked at each house carefully trying to remember if I've seen them before.

The houses are clearly expensive. I definitely don't live around here.

Its getting darker making everything feel a bit scarier. I sped up my pace at this point I didn't care where I was I just wanted to get away from the darkness of this neighborhood.

It keeps getting darker and scarier. I heard some trees blow and a branch break. I suddenly started to run. I don't know if it was instinct but the broken branch hitting the ground scared the shit out of me.

My breathing picked up and so did my feet. I'm going to run until the darkness is gone. That seems to be how it has always worked out. I ran from the darkness because I've seen what it holds. It holds Him.

I ran a bit more until I was finally towards an uglier part of town. Its dirty and broken but its got light. It's not dark

I finally made it to where I live I took the key from under the mat in front of my door unlocking the door and closing it carefully.

I threw my bag on the floor and walked into my room.

A small room is what I have. It has a bed that is really just a few blankets and a pillow. And an old box to hold my few pieces of clothing I own.

I laid down completely tired and worn out. I guess not eating for a week and then running for an hour and a half doesn't make you feel the greatest.

Finally my eyes closed and I drifted off into a cold, dark sleep.

"No, No don't touch my mommy and daddy"

"This is their fault"

"Sir please"

"They caused this"

"B-But they didnt do any-"

"Say anything else and your dea-"

I snapped my eyes open finally getting away from the darkness.

The nightmares typically never go on that long. But this time it was everything from the beginning.

I look outside at the dark sky. I grab my almost dead phone and checked the time

4:38 Am

I quickly slipped on a white shirt and ripped skinny jeans. The rips weren't there when I first got them but at least they are a fashion trend.

I grabbed my bag and started to run to school I really don't want to be late.


Right on time

I run inside the school and quickly find my locker.

I grab my books and my colored pens. I shut my locker back up and run to class calmly walking in and sitting down looking at the new words on my desk but focusing on 2 of them

"Kill yourself"

I frowned and looked up to the board waiting for the teacher.

When the teacher walked in everyone looked forward finally school is beginning

Hey guys
Sorry I haven't been writing very much Ive been very busy and haven't had time to write
Hope you enjoy the chapter
Bye bitches😘

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