Cold-Penguins x !Depressed Reader

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I've been putting this off for a while, not because I dislike the idea simply because I only write these things for the fans since I don't enjoy x readers nor depressing thoughts however I managed to turn off my sad emotions, this is a request and I'm going try my best. I've dealt with depression so this should be easy to write.  Requested by Braelo2023.

Trigger warning for the people who might get really angry. Warning there will be implied self-harm. This was not written to just brush off those who have suffered, I have never cut myself, but I tried too but I did not have the guts. This was not meant to offend anyone. I'm not trying to romance self-harm or depression. 

If you will be triggered by implied self-harm, the reader getting the love they deserve, getting surrounded by penguins that love them, don't read this chapter. AGAIN, the purpose is not to romanticize depression or cutting. And also if this was an actual fanfiction, I obviously would not make the reader magically over their depression. That's not how it works, doubt can come in, love does not poof away your toxic thoughts about yourself. But I would make it a journey to recovery.

Everything feels so cold to you. Could barely see the many cuts on your flippers, the fresh ones were deeper. You loved all the guys but, you didn't deserve them. You did not deserve anything. They would never love you back and they'd be better off without you. 

You close your eyes, not noticing the frantic talking behind you. 

You woke up to your dismay, seconds pass as you notice you're in Kowalski's lab. You're laying on what's supposed to be a metal table which they sometimes put emergency animals on. (Like the one from Smotherly Love or whatever the episode is called.) You look under your body to see pillows. You tell yourself there's no way the guys did this despite being in the smart penguin's lab. 

Private made a sudden appearance carrying flowers, "Y/N! You're awake!" 

"Why am I in here?" You murmur gazing at the bandages around your flippers. 

"We found you passed out in the bathroom, bleeding." The small penguin replies, his voice wavering in nervousness. "We've been worried sick about you!" 

"About me?" You shake your head. "That's impossible, you don't love me-how can you worry about me?" 

"That's not true!" Private protests, setting the flowers on your stomach.

The flowers are beautiful but, did you really deserve something so nice? 

"We do love you!"

"I don't mean in the friend kind of way." You mumble. "I love you guys in the romantic kind of way." 

"We do love you that way!"

"We need to bandage her flippers quickly or she'll bleed close to death!"  Bringing this matter to the zoo hospital  could not be an option due to the questions that would arise. 

Kowalski picked you up and rushed to his lab, they had no soft things for you to lay on.

Private then raced in with pillows and aligned them on the examine table. The nerd rests you there and set to work stopping the blood streams and bandaging them up. Skipper was not able to keep his tough expression as he and Rico stood in the doorway worried for their crush. 

"She should be okay now, though I'm concerned she might attempt this again or worse."

"How worse?" Private whimpered.

"She might look for other methods. But, for now we'll wait." 

Everyone left to wait outside the lab to worry while Private went to go collect flowers for her. 

Private wipes his tears away. "We were all really worried..."

"Even Skipper and Rico?" You quietly ask. 

"Yes, them too, we all love you." The young penguin smiles weakly yet holds amusement. "Kowalski doodles your name in his notes sometimes."

You try not to laugh at the thought since he knows what he's writing yet cannot read it himself. 

"You probably nevah noticed the secret glances Skippah threw at you."

"Key word, Pri, secret. Of course I did not know this." A smile cracks across your beak. 

"And when's the last time you saw Rico with his doll?"

Now that you think about it, you could not remember. Maybe due to the dark gloomy clouds.

"Are you sure you all love me?" 

"I know you find it hard to believe due to your mental illness," you both jump on the inside hearing Kowalski's voice and somehow you did not notice his entrance plus holding one of your flippers. "but, we all care about you."

"Surely, you would want to find someone not broken." You softly say, tears building up. 

"You're not broken, Y/N." Now Skipper gave you the heart attack standing on the same side of Kowalski. "I would know if someone in this base was a robot."

"You love us, so you're not broken, we're sticking by your side no mattah what." Private kisses your cheek, you blush under your H/C feathers.

You feel someone patting your right flipper, gazing over to find Rico giving his best smile. You now felt close to tears for a different reason. 

You're loved. 

Always remember everyone, you're loved, never give up if you feel like no one does. You're going to find the people who want you to be happy and feel loved. Maybe they were there along or you'll find them on your journey of life which will be filled with pain but, also comes with happiness. Without the pain, no one would ever cherish the good times or learn any valuable lessons even if you think you never learn from them. Sometimes we need to learn a lesson more than once.

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