The wooden sword had been thicker than his long, red stick, but he had an advantage. He'd be able to hit you easier with the long, red stick.

"Hey, Wakka! Can you que the battle?" Tidus requested, as Wakka nodded.

"Three. . ."

"Two. . ." 

"One. . ." 


Immediately, Tidus charged at you, "You're going down!" He bragged, as he attempted to wack you with his red stick. You jumped over it, before twirling and hitting him in the face with the wooden sword, leaving him staggering backwards.

You lunged at him and hit him in the torso as he almost fell, but regaining his balance, he retaliated and got you in the thigh as you let out a yelp and almost fell to your side. Using this as his advantage, he raced behind you and hit you, as you fell forwards.

He leaped up, planning to hit you in the face with his red stick before you rolled to the side and quickly got yourself back on your feet. The both of you charged at each other, hitting each other's sticks, sending you both somewhat backwards. Tidus back flipped as you jumped back, then ran up to him and repeatedly hit him in the torso and leg with your wooden stick. Wakka watched in amazement as you swiftly threw your sword at Tidus, it hit him in the head as he fell backwards, wailing.

"THREE. . ."

"TWO. . ."

"ONE. . ."

Wakka counted down the last seconds as Tidus remained on the ground. "Aw man. . .I'm really off today."  

You breathed heavily, apologizing and praising Tidus for some of his moves, he nodded, picking up his stick and returned to where he had formerly been. You walked over to your rope, picking it up and remembering you had to retrieve the second log.

You looked up to the tree where Riku had been, he caught your eyes and smirked, nodding at you. He had been watching the battle and admired the way you moved and dodged attacks.

Beside his foot, you managed to spot a wooden log, and decided that would be the next place you headed to next. You searched for a way to get to him, and saw how the only way would be to go through the shack. And so, you headed to Kairi, as her eyes lit up in joy. "Have you finished finding all the items?" She asked, eager to be done.

"Well, not yet, but I know where the last item is." You told her as she nodded, stepping aside, giving you a way to go. You slowly opened the wooden shack door, hearing the door close behind you, you gasped as Kairi stood back outside, guarding what wasn't hers. Through the darkness, you could see a wooden staircase that lead to the second floor and outside to the next level. You slowly made your way to the staircase, taking slow steps so that  you wouldn't fall.

You safely made your way to the door, pushing it forwards, you saw sunlight once again and made your way across the bridge, Riku hadn't looked at you as you walked by him and picked up the log, a word hadn't been said as you turned your back to head down to Kairi, Riku watching as you walked away from him.

You saw Sora sprinting over to Kairi on one side of the island. He saw you from above him as you waved and smiled, he returned the gesture as he extended out his arms. "Need help getting down?" He offered.

You considered going back through the dark shack, but a leap of faith would have probably been safer, due to the shack being completely dark and you barely being able to see. 

You were about to take a leap of faith, but before you could, you felt your legs being lifted, as you realized you were being held bridal style, it all happened so fast, Riku picked you up and jumped down, releasing you then jumping back up to the tree. You hadn't even had a chance to thank him.

Sora stomped, rolling his eyes, but then saw how you had gathered all the materials. "Thanks for the help." He said gratefully, you smiled. "You're welcome." You smiled, "Let's go get Kairi." He said, as you nodded. The two of you walked back to the girl in front of the shack.

"Thanks Sora! I found something today too, here, it's yours." She gave him what looked to be a glass of green liquid, when her eyes met yours.
"And you too, [Y/N], you can have this [Color of your Choice] flower I found, it matches your outfit!" She said, handing you a beautiful looking flower. You stared at it in utter and complete awe, it had been the most beautiful flower you had ever seen. "Thank you, Kairi." You told her, receiving the flower and holding it carefully.

"Tired? Want to go home?" Kairi asked, her eyes flickering to both you and Sora.

"Yeah, let's go home." Sora said, as you hummed in agreement. "Okay, it is getting late. We'll finish up tomorrow." Kairi said, and immediately, you felt joy. That meant you could spend another day with the two of your friends. Maybe you did have a longer time than you thought.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

save the world, princess. [kingdom hearts x reader insert]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ