Chapter 1

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Baby, I don't feel so good
Six words you never understood
I'll never let you go
Five words you'll never say
I laugh alone like nothing's wrong
Four days has never felt so long
If three's a crowd and two was us
One slipped away

I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay
I just kinda wish you were gay

It was around 10:00 at night and I had finally willed myself to hit the upload button on my computer. I had just finished doing a cover of Billie Eilish's song, Wish You Were Gay. It had taken a while, but now I was finally ready. As soon as the song had uploaded, I closed my computer. I took a deep breath and texted my friend, Jayda , to let her know that I'd finally done it.

After that, I decided that the best course of action would be to go to bed. After all, posting that video was kind of anxiety inducing and on top of that, I had plans with Jayda and a few friends tomorrow. As soon as I had changed my clothes and hopped into bed, I was out like a light.

I woke up to a small thudding noise. I groaned and groped around my bedside table to try to find my phone. I didn't feel it so I had to actually open my eyes. I looked on the table and saw that my phone was nowhere in sight. I sighed and looked to the floor. There it was, in all of its glory. I picked up my phone to feel that it was vibrating. I checked the time and saw that it was almost 11:00 already. I then decided to check out why my phone was being weird. I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw the source behind the buzzing of my phone. My phone was blowing up. I was getting notification after notification. I was about to go through them when I noticed that Jayda had texted our group chat involving herself, our friend Gabby, our friend Michelle, and me.


Gabby: Uh no???

Michelle: What's up?



Michelle: YOU GO GURL!!

Gabby: I'M SO PROUD!!

I smiled as I closed the chat and went to YouTube to see just how many likes my cover had gotten. I literally choked on air.

"SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND??!" I gasped. In a matter of thirteen hours, my cover had gotten an unreasonably large amount of likes and views.

"This is literally insane..." I said while leaning back on my headboard. I decided to go to Instagram to see what Billie had said about my cover.

I'd be lying if i said I wasn't a fan of Billie. She'd been a huge inspiration to me for quite some time. Anytime I listened to her music, I was instantly put into a better mood.

I clicked on Billie's story and went through it all, stopping on the slide talking about my song cover. She'd put a picture of the video with a link. The caption said "This shit is amazing! Check it out dudes!" I was a bit giddy after I'd read it. It was surreal to me that one of my favorite music artists had actually recognized me! After I'd exited her story was when I noticed that I even had a lot of notifications on Instagram. My follower count had went up dramatically overnight. As I was just about to get off of the app, not wanting to go through all of the notifications, I got one last notification that made my heart completely stop.

billieeilish would like to send you a message

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