Chapter 19

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Y'all, this picture made my gay heart go 📈

Although the ride back to the hotel was short, it was really quiet. There was so much tension in the small space that I felt like it was suffocating me. Finneas had noticed something was up and decided he'd catch up with us later so he "wouldn't be in the middle of whatever's going on here." While sitting in the car, I noticed that Billie had gotten a text from Alex which looked like some kind of audio file, which immediately made me suspicious.

I hadn't asked Billie what was wrong with her because I felt like if I even talked she would just lose it. I've never seen her this angry before... Actually, I don't think I've really seen her get angry. Yeah she gets agitated sometimes, but I've never seen her angry.

We made it to the hotel and, still not saying a word, made it to our room. She didn't start speaking until the moment the door closed. Then she turned toward me and narrowed her eyes.

"Care to explain to me what you and Alex were talking about before the show?"

"Uh..." I thought about it for a second, "Oh! We were talking about how you got a plane ticket for me to come here and celebrate my birthday." I said, leaving out the small snippet of her accusing me out.

"Oh really? Is that all? Because someone told me something a little bit different happened."

"Would that someone happen to be Alex? Because if it is, she probably lied to you." I frowned.

"No, actually, I don't think she did. She sent me an actual part of your conversation, Avery." Billie said as she pulled out her phone. She pressed play on the file that Alex had sent her and I then knew the reason why I was suspicious. This girl was trying to break up my relationship. As I heard my voice over the phone speaker, I furrowed my brows and my mouth gaped open.

"Bil, you can tell that the clip is obviously edited! Why on Earth would I say something like that?"

"You tell me, Avery. And don't Bil me. In all my time of knowing Alex she hasn't lied to me."

"You mean the whole one month?? She's trying to get in your pants, Billie." I blatantly pointed out as she glared again, "Also, don't you find it any bit suspicious that a) she isn't even talking in the clip and b) the clip has too many pauses? You know I don't talk like that and you know I'm not dating you for money. She's just jealous of me for whatever reason." I saw her think about it for a second before she shook her head.

"You know what Avery, I think you're jealous of her. I mean she hung out with me for a stretch of the tour and didn't cause any problems. And then all of a sudden, you get here, and you're here for no more than 10 hours, and drama just starts popping up. Honestly, I should never have bought you the plane ticket here. If I would've known that this would happen, I wouldn't have invited you. I knew it was a bad idea in the first place and then you talk shit about only being with me for my money. I shouldn't have announced our relationship either, bad things always happen when I do, and now... I don't know... Maybe we should take a break. This is too much for me to handle while I'm on tour." She finished her long rant and I gasped as tears welled up in my eyes. Her eyes widened as she realized what she'd said.

"Wait, Avery, I didn't-"

"No. You know what, fine. If you really didn't want me to be here so badly, then I'll leave. I'm staying in Finneas's room tonight, I'm leaving tomorrow." I whispered as tears started to make their way down my face. I walked to the door and heard Billie behind me.

"Wait, Avery. Don't go, let me try to actually talk this out with you." She said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"No. I can't believe that you believe some girl you've known for a month over your girlfriend. Or am I your ex-girlfriend now? I'm going to Finneas's room. Why don't you go hang out with Alex." I said as I shrugged her hand off and walked out of the room.

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