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The girls and I were in our training area mastering some spells when Auriana let out a groan of exhaustion.

"We've been at this for nearly three hours! Can we take a break?"

"I guess we could. Then later, we can rehearse for show this Saturday."

"Yes, to the Smoothie Bar!"

As we're walking there, I see an old friend of mine. She had (color) hair, (color) eyes, and lovely (color) skin. She also had her little, lookalike sister with her.

"Hey, (name)!" I waved.

"Oh hey, Iris!" She smiled back. "You headin' to the Smoothie Bar too? We just came from the beach."

"Yep, we're catching a break. You guys wanna join us?"

"Sure, that'd be great."

We walk inside and we're greeted by Nathaniel. We take our seats waiting for our order and had a nice chat.

"Ooh, I like your (magic jewelry)! Where did you get it?" Auriana squealed.

"Oh, this old thing? I don't know, heck, I don't even remember, in fact." (Name) replied. "I think its a family heirloom? Sonia has one too, but its a leg-bracelet. Had it she was born, right søster (Norwegian for little sister)?" Sonia nodded in confirmation.

"Man, it would be nice to know where we came from, so we know exactly how we got these."

"What do you mean?" Asked Talia.

"They're orphans from Tweed's." I answered.

"Really? For how long?"

"For five years. I was nine and Sonia was barely a year old. I'm fourteen and she's six, believe it or not."

"How come you two were never adopted?" Auriana curiously asked.

"...they just never wanted us. It might have to do with that rumor that kids spread about me to the adults."

"What was it about?"

(Name) rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Some crap about me being possessed by something. Whenever I feel a strong emotion, or depending on how strong the feeling is, stuff happens. Kinda like Iris whenever she sang a tune."

Talia and Auriana's eyes pop open in the look of shock. It was silent for a moment when our drinks arrived. The tension calmed down and drank our smoothies in peace. After that we were ready to part ways.

"Bye, Sonia! Bye, (Name)!"

"See ya, Iris! Be sure you invite me to your and Nathaniel's future wedding!"

With that she walked away leaving me red and Auriana teasing me about it.


Prax and I were plotting our next attack on the princesses when Lord Gramorr called us.

"Mephisto, Praxina, I have an assignment for you."

"What would that be, Master?"

"I have just located the presence of a princess that I have believed to be long gone for five years. I want you two hunt her down and bring her on our side!"

"Who exactly is this princess we're searching for, your evilness?" I asked, curiously.

"Princess (Name) of Desastre. Her magic is extremely powerful, it can destroy an entire city! It could be powerful enough to take out the other princesses! Bring her unharmed. GO!"

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