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Weeks went by and I couldn't get the question of "why I love you". I had tried to to think of ways to explain to her but I couldn't. Then just recently I realized I cant explain it and I dont think I ever will be either. And it's not a  bad thing it dosen't change how I just cant explain because you cant explain true love. I know this because you can look it up what true love is and ever definition is different from the other theirs no such thing as true love you just get a feeling like the feeling I had. With that feeling I knew I loved her and I could easily spend the rest of my life with her and enjoy every waking moment of it and never have a regret, because deep down I truly love her and would do anything for her. So you ask why love you their is your answer. I cant answer why I truly love you  I just have a feeling of overwhelming happiness and love when I'm with you, think of you or anything about you.

So that's how I truly feel I just cant explain it other than I've got this feeling that I've never felt before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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