The Baker's Youngest Son

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Peeta is a WIMP! Sure he's a star wrestler! Sure he's strong! He can carry one-hundred pound sacks of flour! But he's STILL A WIMP!

He's nice and all but he has no backbone! In EVERY class that we have together all he does is STARE AT ME!

He stares at me with a goofy and dreamy look on his face.

Little did I know then that his father told him about "The Arrangement" .

The deal that his father and my mother made a few years ago.

The deal that would change my life, whether I wanted it to or not.


She has no right! How dare she make a decision about MY life! In a TWISTED way I know that she wants me not to be like her! To be miserable, distraught and detached from the world when my coal miner husband dies!


If I CHOSE to marry, it would be MY DECISION!

Maybe I would marry Peeta, if I wanted to. But as I ranted before, Peeta is nice and all but he's not a man who takes action.

I WISH the next day after he gave me the bread and endured a thrashing from his WITCH of a mother, he talked to me!

If he talked to me, instead of looking at me with that goofy expression on his face, maybe I wouldn't think that our parents' arrangement was so bad.

I have a take charge attitude. I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO DOMESTICATE ME! If I married ANYONE, I WOULDN'T want to be stuck doing housework, having babies, agreeing with EVERYTHING that my husband says and worse of all WEARING A DRESS!

I feel that if I married Peeta, I would have to work at The Bakery with The Witch, popping out a Baby Mellark every year or so, batting my eyes and saying, "Yes Peeta and no Peeta!" Or EVEN WORSE saying, "Whatever you say, Peeta!". And of course WEARING A FUCKING GOD DAMNED DRESS!

My mother was happy with my father. He encouraged her to start a healing practice, he was happy with my sister and me and NEVER COMPLAINED about NOT having a son, she had her own opinions and he respected her for them and if she DIDN'T wanted to wear a dress then so be it but she wore dresses and still does.

They say that girls marry men that are like their fathers.

If I married, I would marry a man that wants me to be independent and still be by his side, ADORE the children that I bare him, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR GENDER, have my own opinions and appreciate when I stick to them and most important of all, IF I WANT I CAN WEAR PANTS!

If Peeta Mellark was more of a man of action. Then I would marry him.

I WANT a man like my father!

Someone who can make me happy about myself and, even if if it's a short time like my parents had, about each other for the rest of our lives!

I WANT Gale Hawthorne!

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