However, when his footsteps receded, another set took his place. A lot of the thoughts were muddled and swirled together, but I could recognize them anywhere. "I thought I heard someone say your name," a voice drawled out, causing me to turn from the shelves with a grin. "Adelaide, my dear," he sighed, walking forward.

"Hello, Klaus," I giggled, accepting his hug - as if his widespread arms gave me any other choice.

"How has isolation treated my favorite sister?" he asked, pulling away to play with my dark hair. I scoffed, allowing him to twist the long strands around his fingers.

"You wouldn't believe how quiet it is without any of you around," I answered with a chuckle.

"Oh, I can imagine," he sighed dramatically, taking my hand and pulling me along. "Come on, Luther wants a meeting." Again, leaving me without choice, he entwined our fingers and hooked his elbow underneath mine, pulling me from my room as I looked back to the horribly anarchic display left on the bookshelf, itching to get back to it. I forced myself to forget it, turning my attention instead to Klaus' pockets in revenge.

He only let me go when we reached the lounge, allowing me to sit beside Vanya as he moved to the bar. I offered Luther a polite smile as I sat across from him. God, if this place felt smaller to me, I could only imagine it felt miniscule to Luther. He'd grown about six times in size since I'd last seen him. Allison and Diego sat in the chairs near the hearth, and while Allison looked us over and nursed her glass in the awkward silence filled by Klaus making drinks, Diego couldn't look at me, or anyone for that matter; his whole body was turned away.

"Um, I guess we should get this started," Luther began as he stood, surprising me even further with his full height. God, he is massive... I didn't even realize Diego was listening to me until I caught him concealing a scoff. "So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot."

"Dad had a favorite spot?" I asked, not remembering him liking much other than tormenting his children for the sake of 'training.'

"You know, under the oak tree." Klaus came up behind me and handed me a glass over my shoulder, which I gratefully accepted, not caring what the concoction was. "We used to sit out there all the time, none of you ever did that?" Luther asked, as if we'd all had a different father.

"Will there be refreshments?" Klaus counter questioned as he stood in front of the sofa. "Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner," he suggested, waving around a joint.

"What? No, and put that out. You know Dad didn't allow smoking in here," Luther scolded.

"Is that my skirt?" Allison butted in, a hint of confusion about her.

"What?" he asked, the joint dancing between his lips with the words. "Oh, yeah!" he remembered, looking down to the black fabric around his hips. "This. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathey on the bits." I frowned as he gestured to his crotch, realizing my brother had only gotten worse with time.

"Listen up, there's still some important things we need to discuss, alright?" Luther raised his voice, just enough to be heard over Klaus.

"Like what?" Diego asked.

"Like the way he died," Luther answered.

"And here we go," Diego sighed as Klaus dropped to sit between Vanya and I. I took a look drink, feeling everyone's thoughts sour.

"I don't understand, I thought they said it was a heart attack?" Vanya asked.

"Yeah, according to the coroner," Luther nodded.

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