Chapter 2

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Hours after my brothers returned I sat outside in the gardens. Rain poured from the grey sky, mimicking the tears that poured from my eyes. The roses my mother had always meticulously tended to began to bend over from the weight of the water. Dead. My mother was dead. Ripped from her home, from her bed late at night. Only to be used as a pawn. A pawn to destroy my father. Her throat slit right before his own eyes. His mate. Murdered. I choked out a sob and shook my head, trying to ride my head of the terrible scene I Imagined. My poor father.

"He attacked, his fully beast self attacked the male who did it." Zaiv had explained to me in a shaky voice. "The other High Lords managed to stop him, only to then throw him in chains and lock him behind bars." My brothers had learned about the horrific events by sneaking into Dawn Court where the meeting had occurred and listening to the gossip of the city.

"Why was he imprisoned. That male killed his mate! And he gets taken! What the hell." I had growled at my brothers, wind whipping and lightening flashing outside. Carden had approached me and gripped my shoulder.

"We don't know, Ror, we don't know." That's when I ran from the house and collapsed on the ground as I allowed the skies to open up.

I tried to calm my breathing, focusing on the rain, trying to slow it down. I head footsteps approaching and felt someone sit next to me. "You're going to get sick sitting in the rain all day."

I sniffed and met Carden's stare. "What are we going to do Carden? How are we going to, going to..." I threw up my hands in frustration, unable to find the words.

His gold eyes focused on a rose next to his shoulder. "We're going to get answers and we're going to get revenge." I shuddered at the coldness in his voice, something rarely heard from him. I sent a warm breeze our way, trying to dry off our sopping wet clothes.

"How?" I whispered.

"They took him to the Night Court. That's where they're keeping father. That's where we need to go."

My eyes widened, "we're going to break him out? Of the Night Court? No way, we can't do that."

"We're not going to break him out, Rory, we're just going to talk to the High Lord."

"Reveal ourselves?"

He closed his eyes slowly, "I think we've already been revealed. Which means we could be in danger. We need to go speak to a High Lord, we need to learn why the hell this happened."

"Which High Lord was it?" I paused swallowing hard, "Which one killed her?"

He shook his head, "We don't know, we just know it wasn't Lord Rhysand." Lord Rhysand. My father had told me of his history with the Night Court's leader. My father was embarrassed of his behavior all that time ago. He was different then he would say. He hadn't met my mother yet. She always laughed when he said that.

"it's true, he was a mess before me." She would say with a wink and kiss him on the cheek. I don't know if my father had ever worked out his differences with Rhysand but I knew the two were civil. For never leaving the Spring Court, I knew enough of the other courts. We had the best teachers growing up. We may have been sheltered physically but never mentally. As Carden and Zaiv got older, they were occasionally allowed out, acting as guards and soldiers with their eyes and hair glamoured of course. I however, was never given that privilege. I always hated that, though it was stupid rule until last night. Until my mother was killed. Just for being Tamlin's wife.

"So let's go, then." I said, my voice raw from sobbing. I stood up and Carden followed, catching my arm as I started to walk away.

"Of course we are okay with you going with us but Aurora, are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded firmly, "I'm positive." He let go of me and I entered the manor to find Zaiv sitting on the staircase, dressed in fighting leathers, a sword at his side. He looked up at me.

"Not surprised you're joining us." I bent down and wrapped my arms around him.

"Of course I am, Zaiv. For mother and father, I'll do anything."

An hour later the three of us stood on the grass behind our home. I wore a white tunic, dark brown leggings and tall brown leather boots. Zaiv had given me one of his dark green leather jackets. It was big on me but the scent comforted me. I had my sword strapped to my back. My father had it made for me for my sixteenth birthday. While I had trained with it for a decade, I had never used it for actual fighting. My heart pounded at the anticipation of leaving home. A dream I had always had. Grey clouds above me reminded me of the unfortunate, horrific events that were causing me to finally realize this dream.

Zaiv reached out his hands. Carden and I each grabbed on. And together, the three of us, the secrets of the Spring Court winnowed out of our home.

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