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The cage is the first thing my mind registers. Like every morning, it is the coldness of the concrete floor that wakes me. A few seconds after I wake, the sound of a piercing whistle cuts through the still air. The mechanized voice calmly states that it is time to stand at the front of our cells. Breakfast time. What a joy.

The cell doors open at the same time with a faint swoosh. What can I say, the technology here is amazing. How else could they keep us all in line?

I move with shuffling feet towards the line for breakfast. Someone behind me yells, "Move it, slow dicks!" I hear a scuffle starting somewhere behind me. Idiots. The men in white guard suits rush past me, stopping the fight before it escalates. Knights always mean a bad thing. Sometimes, it took the form of beating unruly inmates into submission. Sometimes, all of us were punished. The punishments ranged from starvation to electrified showers, depending on whoever was the Knight in charge. 

When I reached the serving table, there was a choice between mushy, half-cooked eggs, and raw, still-pink sausages. They don't lie when they say that they serve the best of the worst here.

Of course, I have to be fair here. The people running this place don't want to be here either. It is as much of a punishment for them as it is for us, only they get to play with weapons, eat better food (but not by much), and torture us, whereas we...don't.

Let me explain why I'm locked up in a prison. Or at least, try to.

These are the facts, as I know them.

I am 15 years old, more or less.

I was born here.

My mother is dead. She died giving birth to me.

I was raised by another inmate. She is also dead.

I do not have a name.

I have an ankle brace that marks me as one of the inmates in this prison.

This is not a prison for "criminals."

This is a laboratory for sick, twisted scientists toying with human lives. 

There is no way out.

There is no one outside who knows of this.

There is no hope of rescue.

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