OC Bio

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Name Dixon Alves, race human, class hunter, stands at 7ft, family Touch Me older brother

armor - hunter set is the main armor and Wolf knight set is more for BIG game hunts 

Weapons-saw cleaver, whirligig, Chikage, Threaded Cane, Ringed knight straight sword, Sunlight straight sword, and wolf knight Great sword

guns-repeater pistol, Evelyn pistol, and church cannon 

bows-repeating crossbow, Millwood great bow and Simon's Bowblade (Thanks to Ghost4606 for the suggestion)

uses court sorcerer's staff for spells but can only use tear 8 and lower spells as well as the Yorshka's Chime for miracles but like the staff can only use tear 8 and lower

Know Magic items- Dark Hand, sunlight shield, Gravelord Sword   


Atk-Homing Crystal soul mass, soul stream.

buff-weapons great magic weapon.

stealth-spook, Hidden body, and chameleon


healing-Soothing Sunlight, Tears of Denial.

Atk-Wrath of the Gods, way of white corona, sunlight spear, and lightning stake, and lightning arrow, Gravelord Sword Dance.

buff- frozen weapon, lightning blade, and darkmoon blade


weapons and armor change-lets him to change ether weapons or armor on his person dose not use MP

hunter mode-lets him hid both himself and the party and lets him stay hidden even if the party exposed those hidden by skill gets a extra 20% damage on the first attack, those in hunter mode can't trigger traps. This is a one off skill and can only be used before the start of a fight

Blood bullets/arrows-lets him consume 5% of his HP to make 10 bullets/arrows. Blood bullets/arrows well be used before any remain ammo and will have a 1.5% damage this skill use no MP only HP

Hunter's curse- 1st stage 'eyes turn full red' gives 50% power boost to all stats. 2nd stage 'eyes glow bright red and will glow throw any helmet' gives 100% power boost to all stats but the user slowly loses who they are and who there allies are. 3rd and finally stage '???' 

more to be added as time goes on

Arthur note 

Ok I want to say two things one everything listed is not what Dixon started with most of this is what he well get as the story goes on. Two I know my spelling and grammar is bad I'm trying to get better but that being said I don't mind if people point things out as long as they aren't rude. 

The Old Hunter Of Nazarick (Dark souls X Overlord) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now