The Ringed city

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"Finally, The Ringed City after all this time. Just have to find where the first flames were found and then I'll can go home. Hmm, that brings up a problem. How can I even get back to Nazarick? Even if and/or when I'll get back home what about Londo? They need their lord and what about Safiya? I can't just leave her behind. Maybe Ainz can teach me the gate spell?" I thought. "So, Dixon where do you think we'll find the Dark Soul?" Safiya asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "If I had to guess it's ether the church or the center of the city. Which now that I'll think about it is more than likely where the church is." I answered.

"So, at least we have some idea where to go." Safiya said why turning to look over the city. "I'll worry about getting home and finding a way to get back and forth after we find the dark soul." I thought. "We got a lot of ground to cover let's go." I said before the two of us started to make our way into the city. It looks like we were on the outer wall with only really one way to go. But I started to get a bad feeling when we came across what looked like gravestones. "Somethings not right." I said before taking a rock and throwing it forward. Good thing I did as we saw a giant rose up summoning what looked to be ghost knights. Which fired arrows at where the rock fell.

"What now? I mean we could use those graves as cover but that we only get us so far." Safiya asked. "Look around there normally a side path to these things." I informed as the two of us looked around trying to find something. At one point I tried fire my own arrow at the giant but like the 'angels' it had a barrier around it. "Dixon! Over here!" I heard Safiya yell "Look you were right that path leads up to the giant." She said as I was running up to her, I'll saw what path she pointed out. "Now the only question is how do we get to it?" I asked before seeing the answer. "Their!" I said pointing to the third group of graves. "We can jump down from there." I added with Safiya nodding. With a plain we moved out going from one group of graves to another in-between groups on knight summons.

When we got to the third and final graves, we hop down to the path below. Following it we soon came across the giant and where able to kill it after dodging the knights it summons. After taking a sec to bereave we moved on and soon found a bonfire. "These bonfires are just about everywhere hum." I said moving my hand over it and somehow lighting it. After resting a bit, we headed out down the only path we could go. We came across some creatures in red cloaks that attack us. Some of them had black crystals on them which was making some start to grow on us but stop when we killed them.

After getting past we came across what look like an overlook of the city. I saw some big guys with black orbs as heads walking up some flights of steps to some kind of building before turning around and walking back down the steps to somewhere. "See anything that look like a church?" Safiya asked. "No not yet looks like we are just on the outer part of the city." I said before hearing footsteps coming our way. Turning towards, it we saw some kind of knight wearing black armor with what look like a black hole in the chest. Armed with a sword and shield. It when to attack us but stop when it saw me. It looks to be debating something before it shake its head before attacking.

It two handed its sword lighting it on fire and tried to stab us. But I kick it to the side before shooting him in the head stunning him long enough for Safiya to get a backstab. It got up and just swung at us wildly. After dodged its attack until the knight just stop and drop its weapons and falling to its knees and much like Vhul'khaucol it held out its arms welcome us. Confusing us I walk up to them and putting my hand on its head. Some of my flames enter them looking like it embing them. Taking my hand off them I stepped back a bit and waited but the knight didn't move.

Looking over at Safiya who just shrug just as confused as me but before we could do anything we heard popping. Looking over we saw the knight opening and closing its hands. They then brought its arms back to itself and then look them over as if they haven't seen them for some time. They look up seeing me it quickly fell to its hands and knees bowing to me. "Do you know who I am?" I asked walking up to them. "Y-yes... My... Lord" The answered their voice sounding quit ruff and raged. "Do You know your name?" Safiya asked making the knight silent as if thinking. "Ysolt, la Faible." The now named Ysolt answered. I had asked them questions about the ring city and about then self. They told us they were known as Ring Knights and to their memory there was four other knights lost wondering the city.

The Old Hunter Of Nazarick (Dark souls X Overlord) Rewrittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें