Dreaming 🌒

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He ran his fingers through his hair, letting out an exasperating sigh. The case that Elliot and the squad were assigned too was about A young mother who had her infant stolen out of his crib as she slept and there were no leads as of now. The mother was hysterical and really wasn't of any help but Elliot didn't blame her. as a father of 5 he could not imagine if someone had taken one of his children, they were his world. hell, Maureen was the whole reason him and Kathy even got married.

He searched through case files, trying to find a matching mo. Tensions were running high, knowing the longer this baby was missing, the less chance they would find him alive.

By lunchtime the whole squad room was stressed, Finn had gone out and grabbed some sandwiches from the deli across the street and served them to the entire squad room. Elliot leaned back in his chair, munching away on the food as his mind immediately went back to Olivia. He didn't want to leave her at the hospital. He wanted to talk to her, get her to let him into her mind. He wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Elliot," Finn called out. "Are you ok man?"

"Yeah, just thinking."

"Why don't you take an hour off? I can cover with Cragen for you."

Elliot was about to decline the offer, but he did want to check on Olivia. He grabbed his jacket heading out after thanking Finn.

Meanwhile, Olivia had been trying to shut her brain down from the millions of thoughts that floated around, burying herself under the blanket as sleep finally came to her.

Olivia shifted in her hospital bed, having heard what she thought was a small cry, almost like a baby's. Slowly she opened her eyes, scanning the room, until her they landed on a small crib, parked right next to her bed. A small bundle laid wriggling in it, fighting against the blankets. She was confused for a moment until she read the name card, Ella Louise Benson it read and her breath caught in her throat.

" I thought my baby died," she thought.

Slowly she reached over, gently running her finger over the wisps of brown hair that covered the baby's head. And when the newborn slowly blinked open her eyes, Olivia felt her heart melt and the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Ella?" She questioned, still not quite believing. The baby cooed and clutched onto Olivia's finger making the tears fall more vigorously.

"Your beautiful, I love you ella...so much"
she breathed. Just then she could feel someone squeeze her shoulder and gently shake her but she couldn't see who it was. Then she heard her name being called.

"Olivia? liv honey wakes up." The person whispered softly.

Slowly she opened her eyes. "Elliot?" She questioned. Her eyes scanned around the hospital room, the crib was gone, Ella was gone, it had been a dream. The realization hit her and she started sobbing. It had felt so real to her, she wanted it to be real, she needed it to be real.

"Hey, hey, you're ok. What's wrong?" Elliot whispered. Reaching up to touch her face and calm her shaking form and the ragged breaths that came from her.

"M-y Baby! She was here." Olivia stammered.

"Honey, you were dreaming, come here." He took her into his arms, feeling her tears soak through his shirt. her whole body continuing to shake.

"It felt so real, I wanted it to be real" she sobbed and his heart broke more.

"I know Liv, I know. Everything is going to be alright."

He let her cry it out into his shirt until she pulled away, crashing against the pillow behind her. "What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"Munch is covering for me for an hour while I came to check on you."

"You didn't have too"

"It didn't feel right leaving you here alone and who knows how long this case is going to take." he mused, running his fingers up and down her arm.

She hummed in response, "any leads?"

"Don't worry about it Liv, I know your bored but just focus on getting better alright."

She knew she wouldn't win the argument, they sat there making small talk about his kids, life before the svu and just random small talk until he had to go back to work.

"I'll be back to see you as soon as I can get a break" he told her as he left. He walked back into the squad room, taking a seat back at his desk. later that afternoon The phones were ringing off the hook after the press conference, but no leads actually led anywhere. The team was exhausted and frustrated and eventually, cragen sent them all home for the night.

The next day proved to be as difficult as the last. Every phone call came up empty until one didn't

Orders were thrown around, addresses were being checked. They had gotten a lead that a wealthy guy, was running an illegal adoption out of a vacant apartment on the upper West side.

Elliot wrote down the address on a sticky note before grabbing his jacket.

"Let's go" he hollered out as he ran for the elevator.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and a major shout out to DeannaJersey for helping me with this chapter. Love you girly! Go on over and check out her stories, shes an amazing writer 😊 next chapter is what we all have been waiting for......And Deanna and I have been impatient for.

Shatter Me- Olivia BensonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang