Part 10

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At this point I am in total shock, I can't believe that he actually talked to me. "Family death place? What does that mean?" "1987 war break out. Men used us as a part of their weapons. Me and my mom were there on the same team. Bad people threw explosives at her, shot her down, and killed her. Men killed my mom!!"

He yelled which startled me.

Apart of me felt bad for him between all the crap he has been put through, but the other part of me didn't feel bad. "So why did you hurt people?" "I never wanted to hurt humans here for my mom." "So you being here is almost like a memorial place for you." He didn't say anything but I knew what he meant.

"But why do you stay until 10 at night?" "My age when mom died." "Why do you come at 6?" "War was that long."

I let out a sigh. "Listen I'm sorry that happened to you I really am but you can't keep coming back here. If you being here isn't changing how you feel then you need to try something else. You don't want to hurt people, but you are. Don't let go, but move on." It went quiet.

"But mom is here." "Is she really though?" He didn't say anything but his quietness said a lot. "For your sake I wouldn't come back it's just causing you pain, so why be here?" Slowly I knelt down, and placed my face on the tip of his nose, closed my eyes, and whispered. "Just let go~"

I moved myself off of him, and saw that his fur was turning completely white as snow. I was confused. "What's happening?" "I change." "So how you felt on inside is projected on outside." "Work here is complete." Just like that his body started to fade away, and slowly turn into dust. The dust was going everywhere. It almost looked like it was snowing, it was so pretty.

"What'll happen now." "I go back home, and stay." His face was starting to fade away, and it lifted up into the night sky. "Thank you." I said. It finally feels... right.

I walked back to the car, and got in the passenger side. "What happened, are you okay, did he hurt you?" I was getting hit with thousands of questions by Chris, and I didn't know what to do tell him, or what to say, I just stared at him, with a half smile on my face.

"He's not coming back." I could tell Chris was confused. "What do you mean?" "His mom died here, and he was just here to remember her." I kinda smiled at the idea of him remembering his mom. "Come on let's go." Chris started the car, and without a word.

Chris stopped the car in front of my house. "Well here I am." I was reaching to open the door, but Chris stopped me. "Marlie can I ask you something?" I put my hands down, and looked at Chris. "What's wrong?" "What did he say about his mom?" "Uhh he said that men killed his mom during a war in 1987, why?"

He wasn't making any eye contact with me. "I know how he feels." What the heck did that mean? I scrunched my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He rolled his eyes. "Ugh don't you get Marlie?!" He yelled which startled me. "My mom..was killed. She signed a contract with men, and she had to pay them, but that one day, that one day she didn't they killed her!!" I was in shock. Chris covered his face with his arms on the steering wheel.

I looked at ground, and silence filled the atmosphere, and the only sound that could be heard was the car engine. I had an idea. "Do you know what I told him?" I said looking at him. He just softly shook his head.

"I told him that if he's doing the same thing, and it's not making him happy then he needs to try something else." He looked up at me. "So you need to find something that can make a change, so when you think about your mom it won't cause as much pain." His gaze had softened towards me.

"So if you can name something that makes you happy stick with it." He nodded. "Well Marlie I have something makes happy." I was confused, and happy for him. "What is it?" He stopped. "" My heart is acting up again. I just froze and stared and at him, and letting the car engine fill the silence.

"You make me happy too." I said with a smile. I held my fist out like I wanted a fist bump, and he returned it. I went to grad the door handle, I opened the car, and closed the door behind me.

I was walking towards my house when I heard Chris yell. "Marlie I'm sorry for what I did to you!" I turned around, and said "I don't even remember." He gave me a half smile and drove away.

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