Love Letter

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You mean the world to me there is so much about you that I love, the night when I knew you were the one, was the night my whole world turned upside down, I have known you for a while and even though we aren't more than friends I would really like to share the dream date I have planned for us and it can either be exactly like this or completely different but honestly as long as it's by your side that's all that really matters. The night will be windy and the world will be silent as everyone awaits for what will happen, we will walk down the street passing that old school playground the one were we met and you will point it out and it will bring a smile to my face knowing that you remembered, that you didn't forget even though I thought you did, you will hold my hand tightly and I will get nervous and the butterflies will go insane in my stomach, we will walk until we reach the lake where I fell off my bike and you came to help me out, the day where I scraped my knee and I thought I was going to die but you assured me I was going to be okay, and you will laugh remembering me cry over my purple bike and I will be embarrassed remembering that cringe moment yet you will tell me that it's okay and not to worry, you will give me your laid back grin that I'm pretty sure is fake but I will still smile back thinking to myself how is this happening, is it real? But it is, it is. As we cross the street and the high school comes to view I will get that sudden feeling to turn back but you will squeeze my hand as if reading my mind and also reassuring me that everything will be okay, we walk to the stands and we finally take a seat, listening to the trees and the birds chirp with nothing else in mind other than that were here, together, you will tell me about the time I walked out from the dance and that you saw me standing right out here in the same stands we were on and you thought about coming out but you just couldn't and I will confess that I saw you that night looking out the window but I just thought you hadn't seen me, we will talk and laugh and we will just listen to what the other has to say we will share our embarrassing stories, our darkest secrets, our deepest fear and our greatest loses, we will get to know each other on a different level and just as I think the night will end you tell me to just sit and watch the night and the stars, the night will be windy and the world will be silent as everyone awaits for what will happen next. 

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