Overnight Trip Part 3

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Waking up six in the morning, Peter looked at his alarm clock and pulled a blanket over his head, groaning softly as he did. He took a deep breath and stood up, grabbing a towel, his spider suit, a long sleeved shirt, trousers and sneakers. He walked into the bathroom, putting the shower on as he began to play his morning soundtrack, taking in a deep breath he opened his shower and turned it on hot water with a mild amount of cold. Sighing deeply he cleaned his hair and body before he stepped out again and grabbed his toothbrush, cleaning his teeth before spitting the access liquid into the sink. He looked at himself in the mirror and frowned. He knew that this day was going to be hell. 

Changing into his spider suit, and then putting clothes over it. He walked down the stairs to the kitchen area, taking in a deep breath he looked at his pops, wearing jogging bottoms and a baggy t-shirt, obviously just coming home from the morning run that he would have had with uncle Bucky. He looked at him and waved a little. He sat down, taking in a piece of toast and closing his eyes, enjoying the warm, buttery slice of crunchy toast. 

Tony walked in soon after Peter, yawning loudly as he sat next to his son and his husband made him a strong black coffee, placing it in front of him before kissing his head gently. Steve looked towards his son before smiling weakly. 

"Good luck Peter," he said and kissed head also, Peter looking at him. 

"Thank's pops, I will try. But how boring, having a sleepover at my own house." He stood up and walked out, grabbing onto his skateboard as he made his way towards school on it. 

Holding onto his backpack, he stopped holding onto his permission slip that ad peppers signature on. Since she and May were sisters, their signatures were pretty close so Peter made sure that Tony always got her to sign it. Passing it to Mr Harrison, he Looked around the yellow school bus and smiled as he saw Ned, sitting next to him. The two smiled a little and Peter took out his phone, looking at it to see messages off of Wade. He laughed softly and showed Ned who had just rolled his eyes. Peter sighed and messaged him back, before sending a picture of himself and Ned.  Wade sending one back, one Peter had to hide away quickly. Ned looked at him and laughed as he smiled happily, everyone piling onto the bus and soon they were on the way to Avengers Tower. 

The drive was filled with excitement, all of the students smiling and laughing happily as they soon arrived, went through security and got off of the bus and met up with their partner, Ned and Peter Obviously being put together. Peter just was slowly feeling more and more dread, all he wanted to do is curl up and hide away from his family. 

"Hello, you must be the school Mr Stark had prepared for the trip?" a loud female said and Peter internally groaned and Ned Sighed.

"Ma'am, it is Mr Stark-Rodger," He said and Peter thanked him a little and the Women nodded. 

"Oh yes, my mistake. Anyway, if you will follow me I will give you your passes for the building. If you do not receive a yellow coloured card, please return it and we will sort it for you."  They all nodded and smiled before Flash spoke. 

"What does the yellow card mean?"

"Well it is an overnight guests pass, but with allowance to the main living area, and gym. But you will not be allowed in the labs Unless an avenger, or Miss Potts, or Mr Stark-Rodgers lets you, as it is the golden card." 

Hearing those word's made Peter cringe a little. Knowing his dad a card wasn't made for him, which meant that people will find it, which meant his secret could be found out. Trying to remain calm he took in a deep breath. Looking worried, he hid in the back with Ned as they entered, making sure that no one saw him, anyone, that might know him anyway. 

(Okay, so the last part will be posted soon. I promise. But what is it like so far? Good, bad? I need to make sure that I am doing the right thing here guys.))

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