Chapter 1: First Night - Lost Memories

Start from the beginning

Her hair reminded him of his breakfast from this morning. It hadn't been much, and by the time it was lunch, he was already hungry again. He could deal with it, ignoring the signs of hunger, but while in those stuffy classrooms, he could swear he was contemplating whether or not to eat everyone in that room. He briefly wondered why, and then supposed it must have had something to do with this "Ghoul" thing.

Oh well, not that it mattered to him.

What did matter, however, was the fact that he seemed to interest Rias Gremory, evident by her attempts to find him after class had ended or when she tried to speak with him in the halls. He managed to evade her easily, either finding a corner to duck into when she tried to approach him or hide in a nearby classroom, or his personal favorite, jumping out from a window regardless of height. It was something of a game, really, with her chasing him. It didn't really help matters when she brought in reinforcements in the forms of the other "Great Onee-sama", the popular mascot of Kuoh Academy, and the famous Prince.

He had hoped the game would end, considering that he seemed to have a tolerance to something like this, but he begun to grow annoyed by the fact, despite his attempts at hiding, there had been at least a few people that managed to track him down. One was a girl wearing glasses with her brown hair tied up into a messy ponytail, striking up conversations that seemed to involve either his hair, what he kept hidden underneath that eye patch, or more...lecherous...topics.

The second to find him, as well as the third and fourth, were those three perverted imbeciles that managed to get the shit kicked out of them whenever they were caught peeping. Motohama and Matsuda, a lolicon and a cosplay fanatic, were probably the worst out of the bunch, calling him a "bishonen" for trying to steal the girls from them while also trying to convince him to go watch the more finer parts of life, case in point being women undressing themselves.

However, Issei Hyoudou was not like them. He seemed to respect his privacy to a degree, but when that was gone on the occasion, the boy did nothing but talk about a woman's 'finer parts' and harems. Apparently, he aspired to be something called a harem king, surrounded by the most beautiful and gorgeous of women.

Hm...he wondered if perverts were a delicacy these days? On second thought, never mind. He might actually develop similar traits to the morons he would eat. Again, he wondered why he thought about eating humans, and why he referred to them as such while he himself was human as well.

Oh well, not that it mattered to him. He wasn't interested in such mundane things.

A week had passed.

His life hadn't changed all that much, save for the income. When he returned home, he would find his fridge freshly stocked as if someone had been in here earlier, and on his coffee table was money, easily enough to fend for himself for a while. There was also a letter addressed to him, to Haise Katase, next to the wad.

He gingerly picked it up, and undid the seal, removing the contents from the envelope. It was a crisp sheet of paper, black ink written neatly in cursive. However, the sender's name was not there, nor was there a stamp anywhere he could find.


It seems like you're awake now. You probably don't remember anything about yourself, just a few things about how to survive, right? I don't have much time to explain, so I will keep it brief.

When we first met, we were enemies. I had planned on killing you, but then I received a change of orders from the higher ups. So, my job is keep you alive, for however long they want you walking. The meat in the fridge is artificially made, and though it's nowhere near as appetizing as human flesh, it should tide you over every so often.

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