Baby, Don't Cry #3

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after a few minute you open your eyes and see Irene with Baekyun. You don't care with Baekhyun again and told to Irene to go back to class
"no! no _____ you must stay here for a few minute. I will tell teacher if you not okay" you not accept what Irene say. Baekhyun was supporting you to stay in medical room for a few minute, you don't know why you suddenly shout at him "what is your really want?! Do you want my money? my life? my house? did you and HyunA are dating right? so why you aren't with her?! just leave us 2 alone! Don't even dare to talk to me again" Baekhyun was heartbroken, but she just agreed what you said.

2 week was passed, you and Irene is together right now. Like a sister, but just one thing the problem. There was a rumor of Hyuna and Baekhyun is not together. Irene was happy because them not together again, but you was literally upset. Because 2 week ago you swear to god to not close with Baekhyun again. You told to Irene again and Irene be Upset too, cause he want you and Baekhyun go close again.
3 hours passed, you walked alone in the school hallway. Because Irene is having an event with her family so you go home by yourself, you hear people running in the aisle and holding your hands and waist. Without a word, he hugs you. And that you realise that the man was hug you is it was Baekhyun. He running to you for showing HyunA if you and Baek was dating.
you was so shocked by now, you want to push Baekhyun but he was too strong. And then HyunA with the girls was running on your way but suddenly Baekhyun was Kiss you on the lips. This is your first kiss in your life, HyunA was fell down on her knee and you just touch your lips. And then Baekhyun drag you out of school.

  Baekhyun was do apologize to you probaply 50x. You was really want apologize too for Baekhyun but then "no Baek this is my fault. You didn't have fault, but lets not meet each anymore" Baekhyun was about to cry. But you was hold his school outfit and "i'm just kidding Baek.." you kiss him rougly until someone come. "omona!! guys lets not come to this way!" you 2 just surprise by them "yah! you two why you guys stop the kissing?! i need to take picture of it"

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